The parliamentary channel deprograms the intervention of activist Kemi Seba, accused of being a relay of Russian propaganda

The French parliamentary channel LCP has decided to deprogram a program scheduled for Sunday March 12 evening with the Franco-Beninese political activist Kemi Seba, accused by some of being a relay of Russian propaganda.

The move follows “discussions” with Renaissance MP Thomas Gassilloud, also chairman of the National Assembly’s National Defense and Armed Forces Committee, the public service channel announced on Twitter.

“I simply played the role of whistleblower,” Thomas Gassilloud told Agence France-Presse (AFP). LCP wants to do a series about Africa and give voice to “everyone to bring different points of view”, he explained.

Kemi Seba, who notably denounces the “neocolonialism” of Western powers in Africa, was interviewed by Yves Thréard in the program Les Grands Entretiens, a 28-minute magazine which was to be broadcast at 11:30 p.m.

The problem is that Kemi Seba “is not just a political activist,” said Thomas Gassilloud, accusing him of being a “relay of Russian propaganda” and of serving “a foreign power that fuels anti- French “. The deputy underlined the difficulty of giving the floor to as many people as possible in a democracy without being the relay of ill-intentioned people. “In addition to speech, intentionality must be taken into account,” he said.

He promises to make the show public

Kemi Seba, also president of the NGO Urgences Panafricanistes, promised to make the program public on Monday. “The show is on my hard drive, it will be out tomorrow,” he tweeted.

“When the head of AQIM is interviewed by FRANCE 24, do you mind, dear settlers? When Zemmour is invited everywhere to spit his hatred of blacks and Arabs, does that bother you either? But when I speak in your media, is it the END TIMES? You’re AFRAID,” he also tweeted.

Kemi Seba’s programming on LCP had aroused many indignant comments, in particular from Nathalie Loiseau, MEP and former Minister for European Affairs or the International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism (Licra).

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