The scenes are difficult to endure, but necessary to remember

a Funeral plays a significant role in the american novels and stories. The dead are never really dead, and must figure prominently, whether they like it or not. Karina Sainz the borgo’s first novel begins with the narrator, Adelaida Falcón sight of his mother. We are in the Venezuelan capital, Caracas, and skräckskildringen picks up fairly immediately.

Venezuela, says Adelaida: ”this is not a nation, it was a meat grinder”. Later in the novel, she fills in with : ”this is no longer a country, it was a tomb full of shit. Sainz Borgo, would not have had to make it clear what Venezuela is now. The most realistic portraits of what daily goes on in Iran are so hideous that they almost seem to border on delirisk space in new york. It should be, left to rot, the bubbling of the blood-and-guts, bladders and boiled with hatred and cruelty. This is as close to the staging of a helvetesmålning by Hieronymus Bosch, as you can get.

alone in the apartment in which she grew up. Almost immediately occupied by one of the many regeringssanktionerade militias is raging in the city, with a bunch of women who are stealing the food of the poor were rationed the supplies and sell them on the black market. Those looking for a scare story, it is the hell in the guise of the dictatorship of the proletariat does not need to look any further than what Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez has created. Here, the murder and torture of a conveyor belt in the frejdiga slogans of freedom.

by some miracle manage to Adelaida residence of the nearest neighbor, which is lying dead on the floor of his astonishingly pristine apartment. The neighbor is from Spain, and it is the only way to survive will be to Adelaida, to steal the dead’s identity, and obtain a passport.

Well, she needs to do away with it, and nödd and the have – probably a little jaded – is throwing her out of the carcass through the window from the fifth floor of the hotel, in order to then burn it with the help of a child Wednesday.

in it, and the new story of humanity at it’s vidrigast. Or, like most humans, if they so wish. Has a return of Adelaida to the memories of a more peaceful, to Venezuela, to the young, universitetsåren, and his career as a korrekturläsande is the editor – in the still of the newspapers. But now the bottom has gone out, and it can only get worse.

This is not a proper historical novel. It does not want to portray the political situation with the sobering fact: you have to resort to other sources, in order to even guess the year in which it is all drawn out. I’m guessing 2016 at the latest.

”Night in Caracas” is a novel about survival at any cost. It’s easy to understand why the Adelaida phone calls to other people for insects of various kinds, as well as her quiet, trembling in horror as she was forced to crawl to the maktberusade douche bag. It is suitable for scenes that are difficult to endure, but it needs to be remembered.

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