Missing California student is found dead in a flipped Tesla

Over the weekend, a missing college student from California was discovered dead in a Tesla flipped over by Interstate 5 in Fresno County. This ended a long search that had been going on for days.

Christopher Liang was a 21-year old senior at the University of San Francisco. He rented a white Tesla Model 3 from NBC Bay Area to drive from San Francisco and Irvine.


CHP informed NBC Bay Area that Christopher Liang’s rented Tesla went off the road on Saturday for “an unknown reason” and crashed down a cliff.

Fresno County Coroner’s Office confirmed Liang’s identity for NBC Bay Area.

California Highway Patrol Los Banos division stated that an investigation is ongoing into a fatal collision involving an automobile west of I-5. However, they declined to identify the victim.

His brother Jerry Liang and the hashtag #FindChrisLiang were created in response to the disappearance. Social media efforts to locate the student who disappeared inspired them to create the hashtag.

In an Instagram post, Jerry Liang called his brother’s trip “impulsive” last week.

He wrote, “I am concerned about his life.” Our family is extremely concerned about his safety due to the erratic nature and mental health issues.

Jerry Liang, brother of his deceased brother, confirmed this week’s death via social media. also announced Tuesday that a San Francisco memorial service will be held on Thursday evening.

California Highway Patrol Los Banos said that more information regarding the fatal collision will be made public on Wednesday.

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