You can make Siri sound like the batcomputer

CLEVELAND, Ohio — The iPhone’s Siri will serenade you quotes from “The Lego Batman Movie” if you use the right phrase.

Anyone who says “Hey Puter” — which is what “Lego Batman” star Will Arnett sounds like when he says “Hey Computer” in his Batman voice — to Siri will hear the operating system doing her best impression of the batcomputer.

Siri will utter phrases from the film, such as: “Welcome home sir, I have your rom coms queued up, sorted by decade.”

Or “FYI, Robin is trying on costumes in the Batcave again. He’s doing some pirouettes in Batryshnikov.”

Or even: “Alfred is on the 17th floor, caulking up the tiles in the second bathroom of the fifth master bedroom.”

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