A newly discovered island might solve the klimatmysteriet in a way.

the Crew is living on the streets and Nathaniel B. Palmer has been spotted on an island in the Västantarktis in the bay, where, according to the map, there will be a few of the islands. Most likely it has appeared due to the land uplift, which is the result of the west antarctic glaciers are breaking up and reducing the pressure on the land.

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in The heart of the island consists of cliffs and is covered by an ice sheet, which is hidden from being detected by the satellites, and it is rare for boats to travel as far to the south. Therefore, it is not possible to say with certainty for how long the island has been visible over the top of the surface of the water.

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A number of researchers have already stepped into the land of the island, in order to take the samples. Once the samples are analyzed, they may lead to a greater knowledge of how the rapid post-glacial rebound, which, in turn, provides clues as to how the continent’s major glaciers are being affected.

“in A swift uplift, may increase the burden on the remainder of the ice sheet, so that it is broken down more quickly,” says the glaciologist, Lauren Simkins of the magazine Nature.

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” However, the increase may also result in the secured and is more stable, so that they move more slowly towards the sea. The island is able to provide us with important insights, ” he adds.
Welcome break
One of the forskningsexpeditionens the goal is to study the ismassornas the behavior and the stability of the Västantarktis. In addition, the participation of researchers who are studying the fauna and of the ecological cycle in the sea. However, due to the adverse weather conditions, the researchers have so far been forced to remain on board for more than originally planned.

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Why was the discovery of the island is a welcome break. In addition to the scientific questions that arose, were all on board got embroiled in a discussion about what the new island is going to get for the name.

”It’s unofficial name is Sif, a goddess in norse mythology,” writes the biologist, the Gui Bortolotto, in an e-mail to the REGISTER.

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