A warrant in favor of the coup

Not is it necessary to exaggerate the gravity of the decision that, in a bend flagrant example of the doctrine maintained up to date, adopted yesterday the court of Barcelona. Until now, no judge has dared to point out to agents, who in fact did not do that day another thing that to comply with court orders. But in a car so unusual, the court considers an appeal against the charges of the Civil Guard in an institute of Sant Joan de Vilatorrada during the 1-O. A resource that the Court of Instruction number 2 of Manresa was inadmissible because it involved the identification of the agents who acted, and their superiors. Now, the Hearing of Barcelona not only opens the door to investigate the Guardia Civil, but it also allows a general consideration on the 1-Or burying the consensus constitutionalist who had led the judicial response to the coup and rewrite the facts to the satisfaction of the alibi coup, according to which it was a bluff without legal effects that becomes disproportionate and therefore punishable by police action. A behavior that, given the strained circumstances of that day, was exemplary, as it left four hospitalized wounded despite the betrayal of the Autonomous to the rest of the security corps and the infamous coverage of the Generalitat to the referendum illegal.

The court comes to abroncar to the agents to obey the law. The car -which has had the particular vote of a magistrate and whose speaker he signed in 2013 a manifesto for a legal consultation on independence in Catalonia – reproaches that does not preclude the use of force by the realization of physical stamina to deliver the polls. He says that at other institutes did so to avoid damage, because in any case the referendum was “anti-legal”, and the agents knew it. That is to say, that the civil guards are now facing the possibility of being judged by strictly comply with their duty, whereas if they had refused to do their job would have received the applause of the court in barcelona. The greater good, to his demagogic trial, as there is the safeguard of the legal order but no one takes a bash. In consequence urges the court to locate the controls for the operating and the possible responsible for the injury.

Such an aberration legal is not explained outside the context of erosion that is being submitted to the Justice. There are several culprits of this insidious undermining, starting with the populist anti-establishment that dumps into the street against the judges every time they disagree with their rulings. But the worst damage is to the credit of the Judiciary have been inflicted by the constant interference of the Government of Sánchez, whose political interest is required to show “empathy” with their partners separatists in public and pressuring institutions such as the office of the Prosecutor or the State attorney in private. The Audience of Barcelona raises this challenge covered by the dirty complicity of the ambition of power of the sanchismo.

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