According to ReutersInformation: Lebanese government has already been warned in July before the Explosion

Around the tragedy of Beirut, new Details are coming to light: security experts have warned the Lebanese government, according to Reuters information in July from the devastating consequences of an Explosion in the port of Beirut. Explicitly, the 2750 tons of ammonium nitrate were mentioned, which led last week to the huge Explosion that has destroyed large parts of the city. The chemicals were stored according to the government, for six years unsecured in the port.This is likely to fuel the discussions, the extent to which the disaster could have been prevented.

The warning of the security experts had gone to the Prime Minister Hassan Diab and the President Michel Aoun, said the people familiar with the news Agency. In the most recent report of the General Directorate for state security, there is a note on a letter to the two leaders, the on 20. July had been sent. The content of the letter is not clear from the report that Reuters was able to see.

with the operations Familiar, however, said that the Letter have had the results of a study of the content. The conclusion had been drawn that the chemicals would have to be immediately secured. “There was the danger that the Material, if it had been stolen, could be used for terrorist attacks”, so the Person who was involved in the formulation of the letter and not by name wanted to be called. “I warned you that this may Beirut to destroy, if it explodes.”

The offices of the Prime Minister and the President made requests to the letter unanswered. Also, the Prosecutor’s office would not comment.

After days of protests, the government had on Monday announced her resignation, but will remain on a transitional basis in the office. Protesters in Beirut throw your failure and corruption. The reconstruction is expected to cost the crisis-ridden country up to 15 billion dollars.

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