Add of To, the right to asylum is an absolute

Thank you, Jimmie, but we can speak for ourselves.

on Wednesday, it was reported that Jimmie Åkesson is on the Greek-Turkish border. In a place where there is a complete chaos, then Turkey’s decision to open the border with Greece. People are fleeing in desperation, and children suffer for the tårgasattacker by the Greek border police.

it was the SD’s of the party to act? He is the on-the-spot in order to assist in the delivery of humanitarian aid? He is there to push the issue on the EUROPEAN union’s common responsibility for the right of asylum. No, he was handing out the flyers, who tells us that Sweden is full of. The flyer is signed, ”the Swedish people”.
The populism is a transparent

To that, let me be clear. You do not speak for the us. Your crowd-pleasing moves, and Kristerssons crossed arms, desperately trying to testify to some kind of authority, that is clear. And in order to continue to be clear To, the right to asylum is absolute.


the municipality of Botkyrka is one of the municipalities that have taken the absolute most responsibility when it comes to receiving immigrants. During the refugee crisis in 2015 was Botkyrkaborna in the middle of the real world and worked. And all the while, you were using the crisis for political gain. We took on a huge responsibility for you and your colleagues around the country are not willing to do the same.

the Municipalities that refuse to take responsibility
But in the case of municipalities ruled by you, and center-right allies, the refusal to take responsibility may not be appropriate for a flyer? To municipalities such as London, Bjuv, Jerusalem, and the Prince in 2015, has refused to sign the mottagandeavtal, and it’s forced the other communities – such as Sweden, to take on a huge responsibility. London in 2015 to 16 persons, the geriatric care received, 440.

Or you may be able to lift to your friends in the EU, such as Hungary and Poland, have systematically refused to share, and it put Sweden in a situation that you think that you’re so upset about. The right is absolute, and the countries that do not meet their responsibilities, must be held to account. But fair play, maybe you forgot?

I know this discussion is a difficult one for us to have, because of our humanity, and our views on the rights and duties that are different.

the Difference is that you have to lie
But there is one thing we are in agreement, and it is the responsibility of the care of people in need have to be. The difference is that you are lying. For the voters, and perhaps, perhaps even to yourself. It’s not up to me to decide. You have to recommend that you and your party would like to have a change in european migration policy, but at the same time, deleted all your control to opt out of responsibility, and enabling other countries to do the same.

to Ensure that all local authorities will take on the same responsibility, to make sure that all of the countries to the right.

Correspondingly, the line is clear. It’s going to be the order of the English asylmottagandet. EBO needs to be abolished, the responsibility of the host must be evenly distributed between the municipalities, and our stringent immigration policy is an indication of the EU’s member states to step up. One of the union deals with the common potential, and it is also a shared responsibility.
Speak to the people of sweden
You and I are both politicians, and we have promised to our constituents to do so. I know that the responsibility is not easy To. To opt-out of it, it is. If you really want to work for it, as you say, then do it. To ensure that all local authorities will take on the same responsibility, to make sure that all of the countries to the right. Do the things that are needed in order to make sure that people have a right to asylum is to be protected, and accountability.

For a while, you will share your flyers, we will continue in the reality of the work that you promised to your constituents, based on a shared responsibility. While you are legitimizing the system that appears to the contrary.

don’t talk us To.

the Municipal president of the municipality of Botkyrka.

READ MORE: : Jimmie Åkesson: Tell us the truth about the invandringsvolymen, S. READ MORE: , Sweden does not have a duty to the crash of the migration. READ MORE: – Bah Kuhnke: Kristerssons the image is so very uncomfortable. READ MORE:

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