Anna DahlbergSverige refuse to see the crisis until the situation is extraordinary

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It’s the middle of January 2015. The border between Turkey and Greece, and in the bathroom, and the migrants are pouring into Europe. However, in Sweden, is the information secure from the government as well as the Swedish Migration board, the then director-general Anders Danielsson.

”It is clear that there is a crisis, but it is not for us. It is a crisis for those who are fleeing,” explains Daniels. In the interviews testify to the large number of asylum-seekers is not a problem to deal with for the us. ”The system is designed to deal with such cases”.

Despite the fact that Sweden has been overtaken by the massive influx of people, does not establish internal border controls in the country. According to Stefan Löfven, it is not a decision that government may wish to make on their own, without waiting for a request from the police to the Swedish migration board.

the Crisis is accelerating rapidly in the fall, and in november of the warning PROGRAM at the end of that, there is a risk to life and health, as well as the society’s function”. First, when the acts of the government by force, and explains, in a now historic press conference that Sweden is in need of a breathing space.

A pandemic can’t be stopped by ID checks at the Öresund bridge
of course, There are considerable differences between the 2020 coronakris from 2015, the year of refugee crisis. To begin with, we do not have a record of how crisis response is this time around. It was clear that Sweden was one of the most vulnerable countries on the basis of their own political agenda. Now, the fighting, almost all of the countries with the same challenges, and the un is not going to stop with the signalpolitik and the ID’s of the controls in the Control.

the List goes on, but there is a point to be made is to begin to compare the management of the crisis, then and now. These two crises, the most far-reaching has been the face of the modern era. They both have a strong international dimension, making it possible to compare different countries in their crisis response.

the Question is: How to manage in Sweden to meet the new era of threats?
It takes some time for the gravity of the situation to sink in
Here are some of the key observations that can be made. It is clear that there is a lack of both on how the country is ” mentally and organizationally prepared to respond to a major crisis.

as for the migrationskrisen have the instinct has been to play down the risks involved.

Folkhälsomyndigheten, it was an early indication that Sweden is experiencing an occasional basis. Over time, they had to back off several times, and this has impacted on the confidence of the authorities.

in the Summer of 2015, there was a failure to understand that the recent events in Turkey would soon be a reality in the Swedish city. In the same way, it has been difficult to find out that there is a dramatic virusutbrottet in china, Wuhan -, would wash like a tide over Europe and the uk.

as Politicians will be servants and the servants become politicians,
Both in the migrationskrisen and coronakrisen it is striking what a small role the government has played. In other countries, it is clear that it is the government that fronts crisis activities out and make a decision. It will not be until the crisis becomes acute prior to the government the Leaves start to call a press conference. Also, in this situation, it is clear that the government sees that its role is to facilitate rather than to lead.

”If they request it, we will take action”, is the standard. Then there were the internal controls that will have to wait. Now there are other important decisions such as, for example, in the restrictions that the government is not able to make it on your own.

However, it is the government that runs the country. Needless to say, a government, listen carefully to their expert authorities, but all of the key decisions during a crisis, including the political trade-offs. What are the economic consequences, it may, for example, if the foreign office would advise against all non essential travel to other EUROPEAN countries. It is not reasonable to shift all responsibility on to the government.

During Friday’s news conference began at last, and Stefan Leaves to assume the role of prime minister. A good thing. However, the problems associated with governance, need to be evaluated carefully in the wake of this crisis. What are the vulnerabilities, it means that we are independent agencies, and a lot of far-reaching decentralisation, for example in the medical field? What can be done to reduce these vulnerabilities in the event of a crisis?
then, Add a commission to review the management of the crisis
. Most of the other countries, a clause providing for emergency powers that can be activated in a war, and crisis. Sweden does not have this type of opportunity. Instead, it nödbestämmelser students enrolled in individual laws, such as the communicable diseases act.

the Problem, as professor of Soil components supplies led has been pointed out, is that the impact of a crisis, often state wide, and across a number of sectors, and the laws of the land. There were, significantly, already during the migrationskrisen in 2015, but it will be an even bigger concern at this point. The examples are already abound, such as the failed masks, and the difficulties of the domestic production of the equipment. This is not a situation in which the municipalities, the regions and the authorities will be tied by legal requirements incompatible with the effective management of a crisis.

Migrationskrisen 2015 has in retrospect been described as a beredskapskatastrof. No one took the lead at the time, and the co-ordination between the authorities of the burst. The Swedish migration board had never been done in such a scenario, and the PROGRAM would not have taken up a massive flight of refugees as a potential risk.

What is the verdict going to be for coronakrisen, one can only speculate about. But as of now, it is clear that the emergency preparedness has been inadequate. Although it was a well-established system for the control of communicable diseases, and smittspårning on-the-spot. However, only a few weeks into the crisis, the alarm, the regions where the lack of protective equipment as well as elementary as a hand disinfectant. Intensive care units are overloaded with work already in default, and the food and drug supplies, based on a just-in-time ‘ basis.

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