Application to the land court of Berlin: Kalbitz against expulsion from AfD legally

Brandenburg, former AfD country Director Andreas Kalbitz fight back with legal means against the confirmation of the player being kicked out from the party by the Federal court of arbitration. The application for interim legal protection to the land court of Berlin has been shipped according to the German press Agency on Thursday. Kalbitz was on Thursday host a meeting of the AfD national Executive in the vicinity of Berlin. The tip advised there over five hours, about legal action against the classification of the national Association as a suspected case by the protection of the Constitution of Brandenburg, as it was called.

The AfD Federal Executive had cancelled the party membership of Kalbitz in may with a majority decision. The reason, he said, he had not given the party a former membership in the now-banned right-wing “homeland-faithful German youth” (HDJ), as well as the Republicans admission. Kalbitz denies the HDJ-membership. The Federal arbitration court confirmed last Saturday the decision. Kalbitz was already taken legal action against the decision of the Federal Executive Board. The Berlin regional court declared the decision after an emergency appeal by Kalbitz in the meantime, inadmissible, then the confirmation of the player being kicked out by the court of arbitration followed.

power struggle in the AfD

The cancellation of the party’s membership had triggered a power struggle within the party. Kalbitz was one of the leaders of the officially disbanded “wing” in the party in the Thuringian AfD country – and the group chairmen Björn Höcke. The Federal office for the protection of the Constitution classifies the flow as a “secured right-wing extremist aspirations” and Höcke, and Kalbitz as a “right-wing extremist leaders”. The Brandenburger protection of the Constitution said the AfD-Landesverband in June to a right-wing extremist suspected case.

Kalbitz wants to remain a parliamentary group chief, however, the AfD-Federal Chairman Jörg Meuthen has announced resistance. That a Non-party member, the Chairman of a parliamentary group to stay, was “unacceptable” and there were in the party and no acceptance, he said Meuthen the Newspapers of the Funke media group. “That would be a damage to the party as a Whole. And in the group of all should understand, that to you is a matter of loyalty to Andreas Kalbitz enough now surely to advantage.“ Similarly, he had expressed on Monday.

The AfD parliamentary group wants to meet next Tuesday in Potsdam, and about the Situation for advice. Kalbitz can also forward as a Party to the group. This is possible because the group changed for him after the decision of the Federal Executive Board the rules of procedure. The Deputy group chief Steffen Kubitzki had to say after the confirmation of the player being kicked out, the consequences must be advised, in order for the party to take more damage.

peace in the AfD again

Meuthen restore it commented that Kalbitz’s going on before the ordinary courts against the expulsion. “The party internally, the process is completed. Mr Kalbitz is no longer a member. And if he wants to call a civil court, then he should go all the way.“ To said warnings of a split in the right-wing populist party Meuthen: “We have, in the case Kalbitz dissent, triggering significant unrest and dispute in the party. Sometimes it must be. My firm objective is that we have pacified until the end of the year the party to the extent that we are able to go fights of the year 2021 closed in the election.“

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