Armed forces budget: deputies validate an envelope of 413 billion over seven years

The National Assembly largely adopted at first reading the principle of an envelope of 413 billion euros over seven years for the budget of the Armed Forces, intended in particular to “prepare” and “modernize” the military forces, despite criticism from the opposition on “announcement effects”.

After a comfortable vote – 408 votes against 87, with the support of LR and RN – the Minister of the Armed Forces Sébastien Lecornu praised on Twitter the “90 hours of calm, constructive debates and up to the challenges”.

In a context marked by the war in Ukraine, the 413.3 billion of this programming law (LPM) represents an increase of 40% compared to the previous one. In particular, they must make it possible to modernize nuclear deterrence. Thirty billion must be used to cover inflation.

The credits must also improve the treatment of troops and their families, and make it possible to improve the conditions of the reservists, to double the workforce (80,000 volunteers targeted for 2030).

The LPM, which will be updated in 2027 by a vote of Parliament, also intends to “modernize” the military apparatus: 10 billion for innovation, 6 billion for “space”, 4 billion for “cyber”, 5 billion for drones etc.

The executive, who hoped to convince at least the LR deputies and the socialists, won their case for the first. The deputy LR Jean-Louis Thiériot however, like all the oppositions, refused to describe the text as “historic”.

“But we know the state of our public finances. 413 billion is already not so bad,” he added.

The deputies of the majority, the Liot group and the National Rally also voted in favor. Socialists and ecologists abstained.

For the PS, Mélanie Thomin deplored shortcomings in the upgrading of the military. “Why is this LPM postponing its massive financial effort after 2027?” she also asked.

This is one of the main grievances of the opposition: to reach an annual budget of 69 billion in 2030, the executive plans to progress by “steps”: 3.1 billion in 2024, then an additional 3 billion per year from 2025 to 2027, and 4.3 billion more per year from 2028, i.e. after the end of the Macron five-year term.

Sébastien Lecornu referred at length in return during the debates to the schedule of orders, and the investments which must take place at the end of this seven-year period. The LRs are asking for a rebalancing, even moderate, in the Senate, to take into account the training needs of the troops.

To the chagrin of some members of the opposition, the text also provides for a postponement of deliveries of equipment. The armies will thus receive over the period fewer tanks, Rafale or frigates for example than what was planned in the previous LPM, which some members of the opposition deplore.

Sébastien Lecornu says “favor consistency over mass”: receive less equipment, but ensure that it is operational and that the soldiers are trained in it.

Divided on some of the defense issues (integrated command of NATO, nuclear deterrence), the left was also divided in its vote on Wednesday.

“We do not find in your model of army which stems from a military strategy always at the service of NATO and the foreign policy of the United States”, launched Fabien Roussel (PCF). His group, opposed to the construction of a new aircraft carrier and new investments in deterrence, voted against. Like the Unsub.

Aurélien Saintoul (LFI) cited differences on Franco-German armament programs, and his fears of seeing universal national service generalized in the future to meet the objectives of increasing reservists, which this text does not provide for in the state.

Strict control of soldiers and civilians having exercised sensitive functions, and wishing to work for a State or a foreign company will be established. The powers of requisitioning of the State from companies involved in defense will also be extended.

The text also strengthens the powers of the National Information Systems Security Agency in the fight against cyberattacks, despite strong concerns on the left for the protection of public freedoms.

The text will now go to the Senate. The executive hopes for final adoption before July 14.

06/07/2023 17:30:18 –         Paris (AFP) –         © 2023 AFP

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