Brandenburg: other state / province from rising out of comparative tests for students

After Bremen and lower Saxony, Brandenburg, the third country that wants to expose the Vera-comparison work for the third and eighth grade in the coming school year. The other countries had to know about it, but so far nothing. They now fear a Domino effect that could endanger the Efforts of the Minister of education, to provide cross-nationally comparable requirements in a state contract. To convey the most important building blocks in a picture from the performance level of the students belong to comparative work, which have no effect on the Note, but the country and the school.

Heike Schmoll

Political correspondent in Berlin, responsible for the “formation of worlds”.

F. A. Z.

the basis for The Vera 3, the educational standards for mathematics and English, for Vera 8 the educational standards in German, mathematics and first foreign language are. The Institute for quality development in education (IQB), countries across the developed Work will be created on the basis of nationally applicable learning requirements.

the official justification of the Brandenburg Cabinet submission from the 9. In June, the talk is of a “relief of the schools”. Brandenburg wool to expose Vera 3 and 8 only once and at the beginning of the next school year in the subjects German, mathematics, first foreign language, as well as the subjects of the natural Sciences learning area, an analysis of the learning situation in all year groups for all pupils in the General schools charge, according to Potsdam. At the beginning of the school year at all General schools have a balance sheet of the failed classes and / or the non-mediated knowledge on the Basis of the curriculum Framework.

so Far, a high level of acceptance for the comparison tests

the Brandenburg Minister of education, Britta Ernst (SPD) agreed to do so, the comparison tests, and suspend, is all the more astonishing as she had fought in her time as the schleswig-Holstein Minister of education vehemently opposed to any dilution of the administered Tests. Ernst belonged to the pragmatic-strictly evaluative Ministers, who wanted to make a realistic picture of the abilities of their students. So far, Brandenburg was one of the countries with the highest acceptance of the comparison tests. Even the teachers ‘ unions have voted never work against the Comparison.

The conference of education Ministers (KMK) had set out Vera in the spring of this year due to the Corona-pandemic and associated school closings on a voluntary basis. However, in 2021, the comparison should take place tests on a regular basis. They are available in all countries mandatory, to have adopted not from the transnational learning survey.

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