Budget 2024: for justice, a fourth consecutive increase

The budget of the Ministry of Justice continues its increase for the 2024 financial year. This is the fourth in a row, with just over 10 billion euros, compared to 9.3 in 2023. This increase was already included in the draft justice orientation and programming law which must be definitively adopted at the beginning of October. The objectives are ambitious by 2027: 10,000 recruitments in total, including 1,500 magistrates and 1,500 clerks, the construction of new prison places, the renovation of numerous courthouses, but also digital modernization.

In 2024, nearly 2,000 additional jobs (including 305 magistrates, 340 clerks, 447 jobs within the prison administration) are planned, a figure down slightly compared to 2023. The increase in resources also translates into an increase of 7% of the payroll credits which is explained by the compensation catch-up for magistrates in 2023 and by the move for prison guards to category B.

Concerning expenses linked to real estate construction and renovation, for 2024 they amount to 942 million euros, including 519 million for new prison places and 362 million for the renovation of the courts. IT investments increased to €269 million.

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