CDU-negotiations: compromise on women’s quota

The CDU leadership has agreed, after a good eleven hours-long negotiations on a binding women’s quota of 50 per cent from the year 2025. The German press Agency learned early Wednesday morning after tough deliberations, the structure and bylaws Commission of the party in Berlin. The compromise provides that there is a gradual increase of the quota for Board elections from the County level. So the 1 to. January 2021, a women’s quota of 30 percent shall apply, and 1. January 2023, a rate of 40 percent. At the beginning of the year 2025, a women’s quota of 50 percent applies accordingly.

The regulation is to apply for group elections of Board members for Vice-chair and Board member. The final decision must meet the for the beginning of December, the planned Federal party conference in Stuttgart. For individual elections of the Chairperson, members, officers, or treasure-master on the Federal level, the regulation should not apply.

From the women’s quota should only be deviated from if there is not enough female candidates to stand for election. The ratio in this case is not satisfied in a first ballot, it is invalid. Only after a third ballot is allowed to remain a actually of a woman occupying the place empty.

The panel agreed this information also at the party work on the digitisation adapt. Accordingly, it will be proposed to the 1001 delegates to the party conference, among other things, Online-to allow a party to days in a legally secure anchor and digital bodies meetings. In addition, at the level of the circle of associations digital officer should be introduced in the Board of Directors.

The discussion about a clear Status for the “lesbians and Gays in the Union” (LSU) has been postponed. You should continue this Wednesday. The “lesbians and Gays in the Union” (LSU) is to be anchored according to one of the Secretary General, Paul Ziemiak draft in the future, with a permanent place within the party. “We now have the Chance to make our CDU in the social reality will arrive, and also, at last, for the rights of all in the area of LGBTQ to use”, – stated in the paper. The term LGBTQ stands for lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, transgender and queer people.

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