Conflict: Israel attacks targets in southern Syria

The Israeli military has a witness claims to destinations in the South of Syria with combat aircraft and helicopters shelled. Attacked observation posts, and command – and-control systems on the bases of the Syrian army, had been, among other things, the military (Israeli Defense Forces – IDF) announced. This was a reaction to the thwarted explosives attack on the border with Syria on the Golan heights. “The IDF will make the Syrian government for all the activities on Syrian soil”, it said.

According to the Syrian Observatory for human rights was the attack on military positions in the Region of Tel al-Ahmar in the province of Kuneitra. The Israeli helicopters shot missiles would be aimed only property damage, it said in the report by the Syrian television. The Syrian army have responded to the attacks from the ground.

According to human rights observers, there were also attacks on pro-Iranian positions in the village of Abu Kamal near the Syrian border with Iraq.

explosives on the Golan heights

The Israeli military had earlier informed to have a four-member group is prevented from placing explosives in an unoccupied IDF Post near the security fence in the Golan heights. The four men had been fired as a result. An IDF officer told the German press Agency, the army will assume that all members of the group had been killed. It remained unclear which Organisation they belonged.

On the Golan heights in the North of the country, tensions rose on the borders with Lebanon and Syria last. The Israeli army reinforced its troops there. A Lebanese Hezbollah-owned TV channel had made Israel previously for the death of a high-ranking member of the Shiite militia in an attack in Syria responsible. Were fears then of Retaliation.

, about 60 kilometers long and 25 kilometers wide. In 1967 it was conquered by Israel, and in 1981 annexed. This has not been recognized internationally but. Under international law, territories are considered Israeli-occupied territory of Syria.

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