Controversial mining project receives state funding

the Company Scandivanadiums plans to build the vanadium, a metal used in the manufacture of the batteries from the baltic sea seabed has been stirred up strong feelings in this area. Those who have been protesting against the project, pointing to the risk of ground water contamination, and the nature of the destruction.

It is the innovation agency Vinnova, which is the approved grant for a six-month research project.

“this is a step on the way to the extraction of one of the world’s richest vanadinådror,” says mr Minchin, managing director of the Scandivanadium to the new york times.

Minchin is vanadindepåer worth of 50 million dollars in one continent to another. in Lyby book outside of Hörby. Scandivanadium believe that extraction can be beneficial to the environment.


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