Conviction to the Supreme

The journalism lazy, that premium is always the synthesis of the hue, has been entitled unanimously The Supreme condemnation of the banks…, when, in reality, I should have explained that the big news was that a living room, the III, condemned the Supreme Court, and repealed, by itself and before itself, any case law in the field of mortgages. The judgment is the greater folly perpetrated by the populism of justice since the case of the cards black of judge Andreu, who had won the State secretariat of Dolores Delgado, the nymph of the sewers and audit of the “information ” vaginal” Villarejo and their waiters. What prevented Marlaska warning to Sanchez that Andreu was, with Garzón, Pedraz, and Prada, one of the horsemen of the Apocalypse in the National Audience. And that the intimate relationship of the sewers judicial and law enforcement could be a source of serious scandals. Not lied.

The basis of the Law called alternative, communist or populist is always the same: to twist the law into something unrecognizable, because it sees the citizen as a doll irresponsible, unable to decide anything, and the victim safe, if the judges red do not cure, of the manipulation of capitalism and its vile instruments, which are the banks. The judgment of the preferred was another atrocity, but this sentence to the Supreme by the living III, making banks responsible only for the tax by Legal Acts, the worst of which are levied on the purchase of a floor when taking out a mortgage, it is worse: it assumes that the purchase does not know, that the banks cheat everyone who asks for credit, and that he who kills a tax, the State does it for their good.

The Room III, which that is understood in tax matters, could assist in the hypothecated by lowering taxes to increase the purchase of the floor, for which the mortgage is a means, not an end. Five of the six judges -there is a dissenting vote – will be delinquent, and the bank they’d be on the floor for not paying the mortgage, but even the progresía court knows that the ultimate owner of the floor is the purchase, not the one that lends money. 90% of spaniards have one or two floors in the property, paid for with credits. 97% of the mortgaged credited to that credit that freely hired. That freedom, daughter of the liability, has also been condemned. With the Supreme.

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