Corona briefs – the latest news

Pharmacy: Help, the old and the sick, to fetch medicine
Pharmacy encourages older people and those in at-risk groups to stay away from a pharmacy, as a result of the coronapandemin.

” We have a very high level of traffic now, and a very, very high sales is much higher than usual. So, there are a lot of people in the store. So, the “at risk groups” should not get to the pharmacy, said Markus Sjöqvist, head of communications at Apoteket ab, to the RIGHT.

and, instead, recommend the Pharmacy to a younger, healthier people, pick up the drugs from the power of attorney, or can be ordered via e-commerce.

”We want to give people to prepare, but don’t buy more than you need to. We all need to act jointly and severally in order to avoid creating supply shortfalls”, said Markus Sjöqvist, in an e-mail to the Network.

FULL ARTICLE: – Pharmacy is appealing: you don’t get hitDramatisk increase in France

In France, and more than 3 661 persons affected by the epidemic, according to the Johns Hopkins University. So far we have 79 confirmed deaths.

this Trend does not seem to be moving in the right direction – just for a day, it was confirmed 800 cases of covid-19. In the past, France has reported about 200 new cases per day.

France has banned the assembly of more than 100 people, in order to try and stop the spread.

FULL ARTICLE: , more Than 800 victims at a day in the FrankrikeGustav had a corona, has made a full recovery
Gustav Sternå of Omsk, has been in the hemkarantän after being infected with the new coronavirus during a ski trip to northern Italy at the end of the year.

A few days after returning home, his symptoms were confirmed infected after testing.

Gustav Sternå and his wife Carolina and their two small children, and has since been keeping himself isolated from the surrounding environment.

Gustav Sternå meant a coronavirus, a light cold. Then, in the past, he has felt completely refreshed. No one else in the family has had the disease.

” I’ve been trying to prevent the infection by sleeping in his own room, and be very careful with hand hygiene. And then I got the advice not to kiss the children.

Now, he has been made well – but testing is needed.

He says that it is a very good thing to be healthy, but the fact that he would have to be care taking of samples, such as black-on-white has shown that he is non-contamination.

” It will be a huge ownership of it to decide whether I am sane or not. The doctor asked how long I had the fever of the day, it slowed down and I felt like it. This past Saturday, I was out of breath when I was out in the woods, but in the past I had no such knowledge. Then it said that I was symptom-free.

FULL ARTICLE: in Everything Of 37: I was completely well from the virus

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