Corona: furniture-study for the Federal house costs 10’000 Swiss francs – view

Diana Gutjahr (36) remains in their criticism. Totally unnecessary in the Federal taxpayers ‘ money throw out of the window.

the reason for the Anger of the Thurgauer SVP national councillor: Before the Parliament after surviving Corona-crisis of the Bern Expo is returning to the Federal house, is to ensure an architecture office, the members of the Council also have to adhere to in the future, the Two-Meter safety distance. To do this, two studies have been developed.

10’000 francs, to be able to furniture to move

cost for the studies – without, that is only a chair was crazy: 10’000 Swiss francs. The Federal Council, reveals on request of Gutjahr. Because the Parliament was informed about the external order never.

Specifically, is about been tested, as meeting rooms can be ummöbliert to the Social to comply with Distancing. And the Federal Council: It was the usual procedure of the Federal office for buildings and logistics, to place orders externally.

“even If it is only in meeting rooms, to move a few pieces of furniture, it is even more tragic than feared,” says Gutjahr. It need definitely not an architecture office. “I don’t think there will be 38’000 administrative staff really not capable of,” says Gutjahr more. Since it is only the question not to come with her, what else is given to everything with taxpayers ‘ money in order. “I wonder what these officials actually do all day.”

“insult to the industry”

For Gutjahr is: such A task must be able to solve the Federal administration internally, and not more tax money to spend: “This is a completely incomprehensible Affront to the industry, which could afford such a thing and never would.”

In the Corona-crisis, I need to look at each of the Restaurant itself, as it complies with the spacing rules of the Federal office for health. “But the Federal government itself creates that?” criticized the SVPlerin. “What kind of an impression?”

The Federal Council have responded especially piqued to your questions. “I have taken obviously a sore point,” says Gutjahr. “But I hope the Federal government learns something from it and shows in the future, a little more tact.”

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