Coronasiffrorna is increasing in Sweden, and 52 were infected

In a letter sent out from the Campus, manilla’s vice chancellor to all of the parents that the school was informed last night that a student at the school confirmed infected with the corona.

”the Purpose is to shut down the school as a whole is to ensure the safety of the students, parents, and staff in a situation where many people are concerned about, and which we now know is that a student is not confirmed as infected with the coronavirus.”, it says in the letter.

it is also to infectious disease control, Stockholm, the recommendation is to continue to keep the school open, however, to the Campus of Manila, ”at the present time simply do not have enough clarity about what the rules around the control of communicable diseases, and smittspårning in a school environment. Therefore, it’s better safe than sorry, and opt to keep it closed for a day, waiting for guidance.”

” last night, it has been sent in a letter, until all of the parents who have children in the school, and to keep the school closed. Therefore, to stop the princess Estelle, at home from school today, ” says Margareta Thorgren, the head of corporate communications.

She confirms that there is no princess Estelle, who is infected. On Thursday, the school is going out with more information about how to handle the situation in the future, however, states that the school may need to be closed in the next few days. In the letter, it appears that several of the students at the school are already in voluntary quarantine because they spent time in the smitdrabbade areas.

the Four-the case is under investigation
on Wednesday, reported a total of 22 new cases of the coronavirus in Sweden, In Stockholm, Sweden, Västra Götaland county and Skåne, sweden. In the counties of Värmland and Örebro, sweden, was the first confirmed cases in the regions. There are now 52 people confirmed to be infected in Sweden.

The vast majority are linked to travel in northern Italy, or Iran, or has been in contact with people who have been there.

in Stockholm, sweden, has the highest number of cases, in 31 of these. 27 of these were infected in a foreign country, or had been in direct contact with a person who has been in the rest of the world. In four of the cases, there is as yet no information about how they may have been infected.

the Majority of new cases in Stockholm are located in the infection clinic in Stockholm, but a few have been able to return to their homes.

people with hepatitis c IN SWEDEN, on THURSDAY, MARCH 5
1. A woman in Jönköping, sweden, who has been in the republic of China (31/1).

2. In the Västra Götaland region, which has been in the north of Italy (26/2).

3. A woman in Uppsala, sweden, who has been in Germany (27/2).

4. The Person in the Västra Götaland region, which has been in the north of Italy (27/2).

5. The Person in the Västra Götaland region, which is connected to the number 2 (27/2).

6. The Person in the Västra Götaland region, which is connected to the number 2 (27/2).

7. A woman in Stockholm, sweden, who has been in the islamic republic of Iran (27/2).

8. A Man in Jönköping, sweden, who has been in the north of Italy, (28/2):

in the 9th. A woman in Uppsala, sweden, who has been in the islamic republic of Iran (28/2).

10. A Person in Stockholm, which will be linked to the number 7 (28/2).

11. A Person in Stockholm, which will be linked to the number 7 (28/2).

12. The Person in the Västra Götaland region, which has been in the islamic republic of Iran (29/2).

13. A Person in Stockholm, which will be linked to the number 7 (29/2).

14. The Person in the Västra Götaland region, which has been linked to the case, in the region of the (1/3)

15. A Person in Stockholm sweden who has been in the north of Italy, (2 / 3rds).

16. A woman in Jönköping, sweden, who has been in the north of Italy, together with the number 8 (3/3)
17. The Person in the Gothenburg region, which has been in the north of Italy, along with the 18 and the 19. (3/3)
18. The Person in the Gothenburg region, which has been in the north of Italy, along with the 17 and the 19. (3/3)
19. The Person in the Gothenburg region, which has been in the north of Italy, together with the 17th and 18th. (3/3)
20. A Person in Scania that had been in the north of Italy. (3/3).

21. A Person in Stockholm sweden who has been in the north of Italy (3/3)
22. A Person in Stockholm sweden who has been in the north of Italy (3/3)
23. A Person in Stockholm sweden who has been in the north of Italy (3/3)

24. A Person in Stockholm sweden who has been in the north of Italy (3/3)
25. A Person in Stockholm sweden who has been in the north of Italy (3/3)
26. A Person in Stockholm sweden who has been in the north of Italy (3/3)
27. A Person in Stockholm sweden who has been in the north of Italy (3/3)
28. A Person in Stockholm sweden who has been in the north of Italy (3/3)
29. A Person in Stockholm, sweden, which is closely related to a person who has been in the north of Italy (3/3)
30. A Person in Stockholm sweden who has been in the islamic republic of Iran (3/3)
31. The Person in the Västra Götaland region, which has been in the islamic republic of Iran (4/3)

32. The Person in the Västra Götaland region, which has been in the north of Italy, (4/3)

33. The Person in the Region who have been in the north of Italy, (4/3)

34. The Person in the Region of Värmland, sweden, which had been in the north of Italy, (4/3)

35. The Person in the Region of Värmland, sweden, which had been in the north of Italy, (4/3)

36. The Person in the county who have been in the north of Italy, (4/3)

37. The Person in the Västra Götaland region, which has been infected in the islamic republic of Iran (4/3)

38. The Person in the Västra Götaland region, which has been infected in the north of Italy, (4/3)

39. A Person in sweden who have been in the north of Italy, on the person, 40 (4/3)

40. A Person in sweden who have been in the north of Italy, with a person-39 (4/3)

< 41-52 the People of Stockholm, who has been in the rest of the world, or have been in direct contact with a person who has been in the rest of the world (4/3)

in the 53 to 56 People in Stockholm, sweden, which is under review in order to find out how they were infected (4/3)

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Statsepidemiologens coughing fit, going straight into the hands of the READ MORE: the Expert: That the spread of the corona can be a serious offense. READ MORE: Diseases, which makes the coronasmittan more and more dangerous

Infektionsöverläkare, Björn Olsén, says that Swedish authorities must stop saying that the emergency preparedness is good and when it isn’t there.County medical, Now, we will follow up on any contacts”

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