Driver dödshotade and raped woman in city centre

the Woman had been out at a restaurant in the south of Stockholm, sweden, in september 2018 at the latest. Outside of offering a svarttaxichaufför to drive her home. However, the trip home turned into a nightmare when the driver wronged her.

”He’s been overcoming the victim, who did not participate voluntarily through a commitment to and retain her in his car, gripping on to her head, ( … ), the in-charge. In the våldtäktsförloppet ” said the driver, a woman, ”would die if the didn’t do what he said”.
Driver: well, She raped me

and told the woman what had happened to her roommates, who also helped to alert the police.

The interrogations by the police, and stated to the driver that there is, in fact, it was he who was raped.

During the trial, he changed and claimed that he meant that everything took place at the woman’s initiative. The Solna district court does not buy the explanation, but condemn the driver for the two-and-a-half years in prison for the rape and ten years ‘ deportation to Iraq.

”She is stripped”
He will also have to pay slightly more than sek 140 000 sek in damages to the woman.

Jessica Engman has been a woman as the plaintiff’s counsel.

” We are pleased with the ruling, which is a major vindication for my client. She is, of course, is relieved that the district court both decided that the detention of the accused in the course of the hearing, and that he was going to be deported from the united states, ” she said.

the Ruling represents a long-awaited finish, after a very traumatic event.

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