Every fifth Smartphone is too old for the Corona-Warning-App – view

the Corona-Alert-App is in the testing phase. You can only be introduced when the Parliament adopted the law basis, which is expected to be next week.

you can Install the App you still have to – whether to the users of the pilot phase or not. So did, apparently, the green national councillor Balthasar Glättli (48). And promptly received first error messages, as he complains on Twitter.

No warnings on old cell phones

Glättli but was unable to install, apparently, at least in the App. This could not go all the way: How the “trade newspaper” reported, not not could load up to a fifth of Smartphone Users, the App. probably because the Software runs on older devices.

About the case of Apple: The corresponding Updates to the iOS operating system can, therefore, not on older iPhones to install: Already the iPhone 6 nothing more. There are similar problems with Android.

According to a survey by the “Handelszeitung” in Salt, Sunrise and Swisscom, which affects a significant proportion of mobile phone users, namely, about 20 per cent. (gbl)

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