Examine the class issue in Swedish organizations

and Then, on the first day of January in the years of the crc, the law in Sweden. In sweden’s national charter states that any and all physical activities for the children to be guided by the crc, and in the state, among other things, that all children have the right to participate in sport according to their own circumstances.

the SportExpressen Activities will come in the spring to take a closer look at the who, what, outside, and pay attention to what the English clubs are doing for the sport, shall be the property of all.
Tell the SportExpressen clubs and Associations
In the series, ”Everybody’s sport,” highlights the equality and gender perspective in the reporting, the audits, and the poddform. You will find some of the stories about the compounds that are doing all of that all of them should be able to take part, but also the stories of those who are struggling to provide their children with the opportunity for an active leisure time, in spite of straitened circumstances.

if you Have a tip that could be a part of the series: ”Everybody’s Sport”? Perhaps an organization that goes the extra mile, one of the driving forces that are making all of the club sports, or the one that is excluded and is not being treated fairly in the sport? Send an email to foreningsliv@expressen.se or directly to our reporters elin.kardell@expressen.se, thomas.kingdahl@expressen.se, peter.thunborg@expressen.se.

You can also give us a call at 08-738 32 05.


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