Florida: Dead after shots in Jacksonville

In Jacksonville, Florida, re has been a change of fire during EinerVideospiel event. Daszuständige Sheriff’s Office shared on Twitter that re is “MehrereTodesopfer”. A suspect was found dead. As Sheriff Mike Williams has informed, identity of shooter has yet to be clarified. Furrmore, re are no or suspects. According to Übereinstimmenden media reports were killed at event by shopping and entertainment center landing mindestensvier People, ten people should have been injured.

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Multiple fatalities at scene, many transported. TheLandingMassShooting Https://t.co/qBJvkaO7xT

mdash; Jax Sheriff’s Office (@JSOPIO) August 26th, 2018

The Madden 19American Football Tournament took place in GLHF game bar and Wurdeonline transferred to social media. Madden is OffizielleVideospiel of American National Football League and popular in USAsehr. According to eyewitnesses, Dervermeintliche shooter should have attacked during laufendenSpiels. The newspaper LA Times reported, citing a participant, that shooter had taken part in tournament and lost.

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In a video that is supposed to come from tournament, you hear gunshots and shouts. The sheriff called DieBürger to avoid area large-scale. The police were looking for area. Many people would have hidden in center. They were called to dial emergency call and to pass ir own.

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Insidei Gjoka, responsible for team complexity gaming took part in competition, Gogh was information from team leader Jason Lake was injured on thumb. He can bring Habesich to safety. The 19-year-old Insidei Erklärteauf Twitter that he’ll “never fürselbstverständlich anything again. Life can be over in a second “.

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SenatorMarco Rubio and game maker EA commented on Twitter IhreAnteilnahme. Zudemwurde U.S. President Donald Trump informed about incident, Wieseine spokeswoman Sarah Sanders shared.

After similar incidents, USA had been Diskussionenüber LaschenWaffengesetze again and again. Trump had been criticized for bringing KeineVerschärfungen on his way.

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