Free swimming lessons will be introduced again

a Free swimming lessons in Gothenburg, sweden, has been introduced, removed, implemented and removed.

with the introduction of the it all over again.

the Party together with the Democrats and the social democrats deadlocked over the alliance in the municipal council, writes to the GP.

the Cost of the remainder by 2020 is estimated at 6 million, according to the newspaper.

“It is remarkable that the left parties, obstructed the democratic will when it’s been so clear for so long a period of time,” says Daniel Bernmar, state representative, (V) to the GP.
Free swimming lessons in Gothenburg, sweden introduced again
she, in Odenjung, state representative (D), states that the majority of children learn to swim outside school, and that the ”Simlyftet”, therefore, is not required.

” this is the to place a bet without having to reach to the target audience and also on the assessment of the operation as the previous rule did. It was a very expensive venture that did not achieve the results they expect, ” says she.

Elizabeth Lann, state representative (KS), called the decision ”unfortunate”.

Simlyftet introduced in 2017 and aims to raise the simkunnigheten among all of the children in Gothenburg, sweden.

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