Gustav, model 37, I was completely well from the virus

Gustav Sternå of Omsk, has been in the hemkarantän after being infected with the new coronavirus during a ski trip to northern Italy at the end of the year.

He would like to stress that when he went off with his friends and had only one case observed in Italy. The contagion scale was not known.

A few days after returning home, his symptoms were confirmed infected after testing.

Gustav Sternå and his wife Carolina and their two small children, and has since been keeping himself isolated from the surrounding environment.

Gustav Sternå, however, two days after he came home from a skiing trip to Italy. He did not go to work, and has been in the hemkarantän.Photo by: in Private

” I was only sick for a total of four to five days. I have had a fever for two days, and after that, I was a little bit of halvkrasslig, when the fever had dropped. Then, in the past, I have been feeling very good. It was a light cold for me. I have a dimension inferior to the way it is when I have a cold in the past, ” says Gustav Sternå.
– Free no-sampling
Now, he has been made well – but testing is needed.

” They’ve changed the rules a few times on this one. First, there were two samples that would be negative. However, the change was made in the long term. When the doctors said that it could be a symptom of a six-to-eight days. In the us last night (see Thursday), it was changed again, and this time we had only two days without any signs and symptoms, ” says Gustav Sternå, who received the news on Thursday.

He says that it is a very good thing to be healthy, but the fact that he would have to be care taking of samples, such as black-on-white has shown that he is non-contamination.

” It will be a huge ownership of it to decide whether I am sane or not. The doctor asked how long I had the fever of the day, it slowed down and I felt like it. This past Saturday, I was out of breath when I was out in the woods, but in the past I had no such knowledge. Then it said that I was symptom-free.

Gustav Sternå have had a disease that many people are afraid to face. He was relieved after the recovery from a coronavirus, which earned him a light head cold.Photo by: Private the Stay-at-home days

” But you have to assume that they know what they’re talking about. There is a risk that I will spread it on longer. I had to go to work today, Saturday. However, I have chosen to stay at home over the weekend.

Folkhälsomyndigheten according to the general guideline is to wait at least a day to go to work or school for recovery.

No one else in the family Sternå have so far fallen ill. Nor do his friends, who were on a ski trip is this year.

his Wife, Carolina, were tested negative in the last week. A daughter of four years has not had any symptoms. The son, who is six-months were tested on a Thursday, having been ”a little bit of hostig”. The family is waiting for the results, and is the continuation of the quarantine.

” I’ve been trying to prevent the infection by sleeping in his own room, and be very careful with hand hygiene. And then I got the advice not to kiss the children.

READ MORE: Tvåbarnspappan, Gustav got a corona after the holiday. READ MORE: – Kelly, 22, has been corona – did not get to test the sigHör minister for social protection, ms Lena Hallengren, Anders Tegnell and coronadrabbade Godfrey to tell you that.

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