Irrational policy of concessions to the Government

In the framework of an undisguised policy of compensation to the independents to keep Pedro Sánchez in The Moncloa, dubbed euphemistically by the minister Batet as a form of “normalization” and dialogue, the Executive socialist and the government signed yesterday an agreement to withdraw part or all of the resource of unconstitutionality of the laws Catalan emergency in the field of housing (which provides for expropriation, temporary), and against energy poverty. In this way, the Government will be able to move forward with laws suspected of infringing our legal system and continue to build a law out of the control of the Constitutional Court. The signing of the agreement coincides with the publication in our newspaper of the intention of the belligerent Plataforma per la Llengua require the establishment of a sort of curated political monitor the use of Spanish in Catalan schools and encourage pupils and families to snitch on those who do not want to undergo the immersion language. A the own initiative of a totalitarian regime.

instead of making concessions without anything in return, the Government should ensure the compliance of the judgments of the TC and the respect for the rights of all catalans.

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