It is not allowed to write like this, good poetry

the five notions of humanity to send to the aliens, the four friends before the war, three, last words on the scaffold, a letter to your loved one in the moment of death. But the words work for you.

It is an emergency, when you are the individual you are, and at the same time, only the animal is a human being, that is poetry, and no other language is able to stand up and plead your cause. In a society where the rule of law and freedom of expression, that is, it tends, therefore, to be of increasing importance, in comparison with LinkedIn, in Sweden, take a daily basis is lost in the rhetorical analysis.

To lend their voice to the dead characters telling us about their life on the other side of the grave, is something that is made from Ciara Espmarks is a poetic signature. By ”A cloud of witnesses,” the completion of a trilogy that began in 2007, with the ”milky way” and was followed by the more personal, The ”inner space”, the 2014. There are just the ones in in the same folder. The poet writes on, lends itself to, with, preferably, anonymare historical figures, are often only half-identifiable, even if the course of events are recognized, and the disciples of the Linnaeus , and poets such as Paul Celan will be revealed. Oförglömligast is in the store.

There is the cheating, the writers should not make an appeal, ” says the rhetorician in me.

But it is no key that, for example, to load a by Anna Politkovskaya , or, for that matter, akademiledamoten

Jack Hamilton in one of his poems, the fate of which was concealed because it was the proof that it has been the mumbojumbo in the modern era to replace the members of the Swedish Academy, before they died. Why is there no key? It has to do with the matter.

To open the lives through the dödsögonblick, with an appeal to form a pressing position, where the series gets deep. This is a fraud, the writers should not make an appeal, ” says the rhetorician in me, and that is by dressed the cooling down of the different voices, and the notes to the poems, which ends with the death of a sabre in the head and face in a pool of blood outside the door, lose power, compared with death from the very beginning of the lyric’s, the mungipa. Why is that? It also has to do with the matter.

if You are not able to receive this, which is numbered.

that Same cooling allows me to say that ”the milky way” is better than that of the two families. It belongs to the world heritage site. What else, other than jubileumsgenerositet leads to three collections for the price of one? It also has to do with the matter.

So, what’s the matter? Said, that this is a T /, and the time created by the song / The song of the stones – the beach / I don’t feel at a fleeing feet. My boy, in its blanket of metal, trying to look like a spartan.”

if You are not able to receive this, which is numbered. Poetry is not the case. The story does not hold any of the keys, the cooling may not benefit from something, it’s appeal is no, the grip of death, no power, their lives do not want to be identified, and the store’s is not a memorable one.

A human life is much more immediate than that.



A cloud of witnesses; the milky way; the functioning of The internal space.

in Connecticut, 330 p.

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Daniel Sjölin, is an editor of the Swedish newspaper Expressen kultursida.

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