It is the sense of humour is our strongest weapon

the ass, they warn, if the termination of employment, the promotion of the public transport system is made up of pictures of the stools and piggy banks that will go with the ”sparamilitära groups.

the car djurmänniskor to carve, Sara Granér. up stories about his comedy, and tragedy, also in the new comic book, ”Everybody’s equal in the diaphragm”. The language is composed of an array of pointed varieties of sayings and clichés, and the personal experiences and politicized slogans.

It is a question of whether to prefer to fly than a bad party, and if the nausea at the pub on Friday nights, but also that of the neo-liberal housing policy, regarding the algal bloom, and an ever-more repressive border controls. It is all the time founded in a sense of humor, and familiarity, but still manages to evoke a critical, serious as it revolves around the högervridningen of the policy. In the same way be varied in technique and material, the pictures, sometimes the photos and drawings, sometimes oil on canvas, collage, and embroidery.

Two of the enrutingarna in the ”Everyone’s equal to the diaphragm”. The photos are a bit cropped.Photo by: SARA GRANÉR / GALAGO
The one feature of the Granér distort the over-use rates by deleting or adding a single letter to indicate the part of awareness, which penetrates through the books page by its vasshet. Granér dethrones the politicians, the incelmän, and the upper classes by making them ridiculous. And I always laugh when I read the ”Everyone’s equal, the diaphragm”.

It is the sense of humour really is the most powerful weapon.

from time to time, it is easy to get lost in the Granérs wide range of topics and themes. Sometimes, the lack of a constant vitsandet nervous, and felt suddenly weak. And while you mess about, can be said to be a consequence of the enrutiga format, it is lax in the abundance is not there, which leads me to wonder if Everybody’s equal, the diaphragm” is not have benefited from a more stripped-down amounts.

in the Above, however, is not a decisive objection, but I am amazed at Granérs the precise languages, that is, when the artdöden the shape of an ättestupa-for the animals, and it is described as a ”bio-mångfall”.


Everyone’s equal in the diaphragm.

the Galago, 146 pp.

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Lizette Romero Niknami is a poet and co-workers Taken kultursida.

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