Italy is planning to shut down all the universities and schools

Italy has blocked the event, set up the football, turned out of the public monuments, and put people in quarantine.

Despite this, the outbreak is far from under control, and it has the highest mortality rate of the new coronavirus, outside of China.

One explanation may be that it has the world’s second oldest population, according to Sky News vetenskapskorrespondent Thomas Moore.

“That’s right, the old ones, mostly with underlying medical conditions, who are hardest hit,” he said.

In Italy the mortality rate of 3,16 per cent of those affected by the disease, covid-19, which is the consequence of a coronavirus.

In the hardest-hit areas, schools, and universities have already been closed for 10 days, but it is now expected that the country shut down all of them. The minister of education Lucia, Azzolina said, according to the news agency, took the view that the decision will be made within the next few hours.

Theft of medical equipment in France

According to The Guardian, the French healthcare system has been subject to repeated theft of the equipment. 8 in the 300 masks, and a 1,200-bottles of hand disinfectant, has gone missing from a hospital in the city of Paris. In a hospital in Marseille, it has been with more than 2000 kirurgimasker.

Now, take the French authorities are cracking down in order to get to grips with the lack of sjukvårdsmateriel. Anyone want to buy a mask at a drugstore must have, as of today, have to have a prescription.

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