Leadership crisis in the CDU: Annoyed by the king of the popularity values

It is not long, because the CDU and the CSU had wedged the content of which is terribly intertwined. The topic of the asylum policy, the dispute revolved around whether to follow better the more liberal line of the Chancellor and parts of the CDU or the more restrictive stance of the CSU.

to push the Strategic Background of the dispute was the attempt by the CSU, was under the leadership of its then Chairman, Horst Seehofer, to use a hard line on refugee policy as a lever, the AfD into the right touchline. The thought Merkel and many in the CDU, such as the current candidates for party Chairman and Chancellor candidacy, Armin Laschet, for wrong.

With hindsight, but mainly due to heavy losses in the polls, the CSU turned the boat and pays homage to since then, and this is particularly true for the party Chairman Markus Söder, the Chancellor. So very many throws at the tip of the little sister’s party, in the meantime, in the dust that you want to say: Now is also good, not everything has made Angela Merkel, finally, properly.

Merkel has said her party is in trouble

Thus, in this case, your refugee policy. But with their withdrawal from the party leadership three years before the normal election date, and the simultaneous announcement by the Chancellor of the inside existence, renounce, Merkel maneuvered their party into a very difficult situation; and this out of self-interest.

Because it was and is a matter of two sensations in the marble of history panels to be hollow: you want to go “self-determined”, instead of waiting until the voters kicked you. And she wants to be the First to pass after sixteen years in Power, the Chancellor’s office to a Union politician.

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