Little Heart, my mother has been released from custody

in the Case of the girl, who has been called the ”Little heart” and his body was found dead at the end of January, and has attracted a lot of attention to it.

She was placed in a foster home right after she was born. Her biological parents were considered to be a danger to her, and she was in a safe place at home, in the fostermamman Joseph Jacobs.

in the judgment of the kammarätten, forcing the girl to move back home in april of last year. Sarah James has told me of a painful period of time, and during her time with the biological parents is made more orosanmälningar to the school.

the Girl’s father and mother were arrested for a serious fault for the death of another, in the month of January. The girl had been dead for several days in the home, according to the school.

the Girl’s father died, and after a few weeks in custody, but the mother has been allowed to remain in pre-trial detention.

For two weeks, a prosecutor, a rättsläkarbesked, which meant that the mother was requested to be detained as a suspect for the murder. The norrköping district court, however, found that there was probable cause to suspect the presence of wholemeal causing the death of another.

the Mother appealed against the detention to the court of appeal, however, decided that she would remain in custody for a week or so ago. She refuses to commit the crimes.

the district is released of the mother. The prosecutor demanded that she should remain in custody pending completion of police investigation would be complete, however, the court does not believe that the mother is on the run, can destroy an investigation, the so-called kollusionsfara.

the Woman was released after a häktningsförhandling on a Friday afternoon.

” They have the same opinion as we have done in a long time, that is, there is no longer any kollusionsfara after her husband’s death, said the woman’s defender, Per Oehme at SVT to News in the East.

To the contrast, when it is a matter of suspicion of murder, a gross negligence for the death of another mandatory, pre-trial detention. The public prosecutor had not argued that there is a risk that the former go unpunished, the woman is continuing to commit a criminal offence or have fled from justice, that is, two of the other grounds for pre-trial detention.

READ MORE: : the ”Small heart” was death in the home for several days. READ MORE: , the Mother omhäktas after her daughter’s death

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