Meera, 29, was knocked unconscious after the vicious, corona detection

Meera Solanki, 29, celebrated his birthday with a group of friends at one of the bars in the centre of Birmingham. She was stood with Mandy Huang, the 28, when a group of men started to interfere with them.

it started with Meera Solanki.

”Take your fucking corona virus”

” There was a group of asian men, and one of them got all the time in front of me. He seemed to be having a problem with the fact that I, as an indian girl was out there, with many different nationalities such as people from China, ” she says to the local newspaper, The Sunday Mercury, reports the Daily Mail.

She said one of the men spat in their general direction, and continued:

” At the end of the night, it was just the three of us girls left, one of them was with my chinese friend, Mandy.

the Group decided to leave the bar, when one of them suddenly focused on the Meeras friend, Mandy Huang, who was on a visit to London.

“and He said, take your fucking laser pointer’s dot, and go home,” says Meera Solanki, who told the man to stop and tried to push him away.

Police are searching for the perpetrator
at that moment the man to her in my head. Meera Solanki fell to the floor and was knocked unconscious. She was taken to the hospital by ambulance, and Meera Solanki, was on sick leave for a week after the beating, writes the Daily Mail.

the Beating, which must have been filmed by the security cameras at the bar, is being investigated now by police in the West Midlands, who are looking for tips about the incident.

”A man made a racist attack against a woman, and he was asked to stop, he hit a woman in the face. She was knocked unconscious, but survived without any serious injuries. The suspect is described as asian, 172 centimener tall, very large man who, for the fället wore a cap and a hoodie,” said police in a statement.

In Italy, more than 150 people smittatsI Italy, three people have so far died following the virusutbrottet.

READ MORE: : the Mother: They called my son with a virus. READ MORE: Coronalarmet, in Italy: more Than 100 have become infected. READ MORE: , corona virus: Common symptoms, so the spread of the virus

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