More sanctions than planned: Union and traffic lights agree on citizen income

On January 1, the citizen’s income is to replace today’s Hartz IV benefits. But in the Bundesrat, the traffic light coalition is dependent on the support of the CDU-led states. A compromise now seems to have been found on the issue of sanctions.

After days of struggling, the traffic light and the Union have cleared the way for the planned citizens’ allowance. According to coalition circles in Berlin, both sides reached compromises on the disputed issues relating to the planned social reform. It had previously been reported that Union and Ampel had agreed on compromises on the key issues of social reform. There is “a solution that can be approved,” reported the “Bild” newspaper in the morning.

Citizens’ income is to replace today’s Hartz IV benefits on January 1, 2023. The Union had insisted that there be more sanctions for recipients than originally planned. Such reductions in performance should take effect if, for example, the unemployed do not apply for a job, although this was agreed with the job center. The traffic light had provided for a “confidence period” of six months during which these sanctions should not apply. In addition, the CDU and CSU demanded that those affected be allowed to keep less of their own assets if they receive the state benefit. The traffic light had provided for a saving of 60,000 euros. There should be agreement on these points.

It was already planned that the Mediation Committee of the Bundestag and Bundestag would lash down a compromise this Wednesday. By Friday, the Bundestag and Bundesrat are to adopt the Citizens’ Income Act. On January 1st, the salary of single people should increase by more than 50 euros to 502 euros.

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