Mossorna is a part of mother nature’s miracles

the 400-page book on the bladmossor, big as grandma’s family bible, and the thousands of details of the microscopic parts of the plant, can it be anything? I have to admit that there’s nothing in our planet that make me more excited than the mossorna, even though they will no doubt put his stamp on both the bird marsh and the old trollskogar.

the Moss, as the moss as well.

Still, I am as happy as a birthday boy on this the 19th volume of ”the national key to the Swedish flora and fauna”. There is something about the wealth, attention to detail, the richness. It is just there! A book, on the moss, in the year 2020. Once everyone is seated, and then click, and scroll, and the svajpar. And I am glad to see all of the amazing graphic that is very detailed representations of the grenbladens symmetry of the pattern, the groddkorn, lamelltoppceller and mosskapslar of the hat.

Learn how a lot you will also receive, if mossornas life-cycle, and the way of life, the contrast of the flowers and the ferns have no roots, but on the other hand, can take up the moisture and nutrients of the whole committee, that they feel especially well in our latitudes, and play an important role for the climate and the application, to bind up the carbon in the form of peat, and thus to counteract the greenhouse effect, and that of the minor bulges in the leaves, known as the mamiller, and the papillae. Just such a thing.

The, when it is green.Photo by: BRIAN SMITH / EXP
as well As the fönsterlaven you buy at the store, in order to make the adventsljusstaken fine, which is usually known as the white – not even one plant, but a symbiotic organism, which is dominated by a fungus”. The real sphagnum moss, however, there are plenty of them in the book, 44 species, to be precise. They have been given their name by the fact that they are becoming nearly white when dried out, but out of the spinach, they are often brightly colored and are found in all kinds of shades of limegult to a brown red.

And Lex is smiling at her uppsaliensiska the sky.

this Book has been on the uninteresting title of ”Bladmossor: sphagnum moss – knappnålsmossor and one of the last of the four volumes of the Swedish 800 bladmossearter. A total of 1700 pages, it has become. Eight pounds of books. If bladmossor in Sweden.

our Ambition is not wrong, which is the most striking feature of ”national key” in a major: that none be left behind, and that it should be a complete, once and for all. Everything that lives and grows in the Swedish nature, from algae and mosses to the elk and seagulls. A total of 100 bands to something, maybe even more so.

the Linnaeus or its uppsaliensiska the sky.

Some of the earlier volumes – such as those of butterflies (Augustnominerad 2005), strålfeniga fish and långhorningar has been the pure folkbildningsfesten, much thanks for the great pictures. Some like the joy of reading provides may not be this is the fourth bladmossebok, but would, on the other hand, be able to use it? As a reader, feel like you just don’t with the same wonder and beauty of the mossorna as the face of the butterflies.

on the other hand, and, not least, it is a powerful reminder of the need for the Swedish taxonomy initiative and the book ”national key” as a whole. The knowledge of the species and their conditions of life is fundamental to all conservation work, in both big and small. And in a time of crisis and of the disastrous global warming, when there is talk of a mass extinction of species on earth, it can in fact be seen as an act of resistance is to identify and scientifically describe the nature of each of its component parts.

It’s this time of the day, the cyniske object, as we have already caused irreparable damage to the planet, and we’ve got to take care of. And of course, we can’t go back in time. The rich part of the human footprint on the earth, will probably be catastrophic for many species, but at the same time, an increase in the knowledge of our flora and fauna, contributing to putting the brakes on harder and put in more effort in order to take care of what we have.

It is possible that the ambition has been, in order, that is, it is in spite of everything, it would be better to give priority to the

”God created, Linnaeus organized”. As summed up by Blomsterkungen his life’s work, and by the Swedish taxonomy initiative started in 2002, it was in his likeness, and in fact with the same mission: to identify, describe, and disseminate knowledge about biological diversity. The first edition of Linnaeus ‘ ground-breaking ”Systema Naturæ” was published in 1735, and contained eleven pages. In his old age was the 13th edition, the book had been increased to 3 000, pages. Now, we are talking about more than 60 000 species in the country, and they should all be presented in this bokverkens books, which might comprise about 40 000 pages, and is probably without equal in the world.
Carl von Linné.Photo by: SHUTTERSTOCK
If it ever gets finished, that is.

” For it to have dragged on for some time. So far, only 19 of volume in the last 15 years against the projected 100 volumes at 20 years of age. Then, although the 3, 000 new species are discovered all along the way, which I guess no-one would have expected. But still. In 2014, was halted with the release, and it was feared that the end was come. The government’s investigator; and Rolf Annerberg , was appointed by the Landsbygdsdepartementet in the Eskil Erlandsson (“C”), described the ”national key”, which is a failure, and I thought that it might be sufficient that the research is presented online. The books take a long period of time. It costs too much. It can’t be updated. 17 the volumes may not be enough.

It is possible that the ambition has been, in order, that is, it is in spite of everything, it would be better to give priority to the goal in the near future. Everything needs to be as complete and detailed as in the past. What it may be, we can at least be pleased that the release is some time in the future. By 2018, came in the volume of marine worms, and, recently, then, that if the bladmossor. Groups of species that are on the tour is the bakgälade shells, storkräftor, caddis flies, and bees.

So, let’s hope that the Species receives, the resources that are necessary for the long term, regardless of the political majority, in order that the ”national key” to be able to be completed, as the books for at least a couple of decades from now. Enough of that, it can be easy to look up information about the flora and fauna in the net, but when it comes to transparency, and the ability to spark a desire to learn, would the book still be hard to match.

the blädderglädjen! In a public library or a school, or, for that matter, is at home in the reading area. It is a wonderful idea that will be later, about 100 of the books in the series, the four-five metres, perhaps, as a linneanskt-ordered knowledge of the miracle that we call nature.

he Bannerhed is the author and co-workers Taken kultursida. His latest book is ”the best”. Please feel free to read Bannerheds the previous text relating to the national key, at the time of the strålfeniga the fish.


CHRISTOPHER REISBORG (see picture) & nbsp;
the national key to the Swedish flora and fauna.

Bladmossor: sphagnum moss – knappnålsmossor.

the Swedish Species information centre, 414 p.

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