Once the welfare system fails, can the politicians do not live in the lap of luxury

MejlaIngvar Persson+ FÖLJÅSIKTNär the welfare system fails, can the politicians do not live in lyxlivI times of crisis, the need for common sense, Some leader board. is the independence of the director.Photo credit: ANDERS ‘ HELP/AFTONBLADETLEDARE Swedish leader board has been posted on the Research in the past, for example, when the German owners of 20 years ago, and decided to lay down the rubber, and transfer the production of the English däckmärket abroad. The time, the smalanders have to go very far, in to Hanover, in order to demonstrate. Today, the misuse of the power of a closer look.

< a href=”_2ZkCB”> Under the theme “the uk is failing to” can Build Kerpner in the day to tell the story of how industrikommunen to be forced to save. Among other things, forced the seniors of the society’s residential care homes now, each month, a fee for toilet paper and supplies. 120 sek is the cost.

< a href=”_2ZkCB”> what is worse is that two of the nursing homes should be shut down, and 50 full-time jobs lost in the period of time when all the forecasts are talking about the additional needs of caring for the elderly.

the municipality has the problems of

< a href=”_2ZkCB”> However, the history of Research has an additional ingredient. It is, in fact, is the one area where it certainly does not appear to have any training, economy, kommunledningens travel and entertainment expenses. This site has been the location for both of the trips to the ice hotel in Jukkasjärvi, sweden, big’s missions to Brussels with an ambitious presence in the World. To, among other things.

< a href=”_2ZkCB, and It’s clear that it sticks in the craw. worlds apart

in Addition, the democracy comes at a price.

< a href=”_2ZkCB, and It is, of course, is quite correct, although one might ask whether the democracy in Sweden is really getting the better of kommunalråden visited the Town together. However, it is also true that, if the municipalities in which the Research is to meet the challenges of the next few years, not just more government funding, and an increase in taxes. There is a need for a large measure of common sense, and common sense should tell all of the representatives and the managers are not able to require the thrift of the other, at the same time live on big feet for their money.

< a href=”_2ZkCB”> Elected officials in Gislaved municipality, and in other places it simply has to practice what it preaches. The alternative is not just populism, and the political contempt. It is, in fact, a rage that is tearing apart our society.


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