Preemraffs plans parts of the town, ‘ Has been viewing

This flies in the owner of the dog, lunchsugna and other Lysekilsbor the chilly weather. However, the central Direction, which in the summertime is full of activities, yet still provides an easy, sleepy appearance in the beginning of march.

the Other will be in the course of the next week, when the hearing of Our planned expansion just to the north of to the southwest of the city, held in the clubhouse dating Awards.

It is expected busloads of protesters from, among others, sweden, Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö and Umeå, sweden at the start of the Land – and the miljööverdomstolens trial on Tuesday. At the same time, has a new facebook page for the ‘ yes ‘ side in just a few days, have received thousands and thousands of members.

the Direction has been in the focus of attention in the climate change debate – and it has become a divided city at the time of purchase.

” It has become a poisonous issue. There is a very large group who think that it’s going to be built. However, the group that is receiving growing as well, ” said the Lodge Lofgren, who is chair of the Swedish society for nature conservation, in the Lysekil Munkedal.

” It’s more of a black and white, and that is what is in the newspaper, in letters to the editor, and the like.
the Time of installation
the oil refinery in Brofjorden, was heavily criticized at the time of its inception in 1975. More than 40 years later, the debate has gained new momentum on the basis of Our application for a new environmental permit. Both the municipal government and the first legislative body has said ‘yes’. On the opposing side, there are several environmental organizations and 50 individuals, whose appeals are to be taken up by the court.

the Lodge Lofgren face the top of the Lahälla on the north side of the bay, where the refinery is located within the line of sight, and the several property owners, has endorsed the protests against the project. He calls he a ”turning point for climate change policy’, despite Our assurances to the state of the environment is necessary to ensure that the company will be able to make the switch to a more environmentally-friendly production processes.

” You can’t build it out of a 15-billion-and then, after a period of ten years, to begin to dismantle it. This is something that does not make sense, ” says Lodge Lofgren.

” it is estimated that it will be carbon-neutral, and that storing carbon dioxide beneath the ground, it’s a bit of a subterfuge in order to get it to this state.

” Preem wants to expand the refinery in order to be able to take care of the heavy fuel oil, a residue of a day’s production in a more environmentally friendly way. However, it could also lead to the emission of carbon dioxide is increasing dramatically.

the Company has been in the process of reducing the planned expansion, and also highlighted a number of measures to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide. However, there is still too much, consider the ‘ no ‘ side.

”don’t know”
as a way to Lysekilsbor agree with you.

Not least, the Refining is already today, with some 600 job opportunities is extremely important for the city, ” notes Michael Magnusson and Lars-Olof Ohlsson, who talks on It.

” I don’t understand the resistance. At the same time as the Direction are to die for, we decided to move to the City and the Farms, ” he says Magnusson.

” the Mills have closed, and they were out of the Grötö this before, but there aren’t any left, to add to Lars-Olof Olsson.

” There is probably no one who produces diesel fuel more accurately than that of Preem. So, we have to consider Direction, or do we have to consider the whole of the world. It is, of course, everyone has to worry about the climate, but it is, of course, is not a local issue, ” says Michael Magnusson.

Esther Wadstein, out for a walk with their dogs, they are on the same track.

“It’s better to do it here, where they do, it’s more environmentally friendly,” he said.

the Government’s decision,
This is also Our main argument. According to the ceo, and mr Peter Holland is the state of the environment is an important part of the company’s goal is to change their production to more renewable options.

“We have submitted our application for an environmental permit already in 2016 – this indicates that the processes acting on it, the green transformation needs to be accelerated,” he said through Our press office.

” every day that goes by, and the delay of the possibility to produce renewable fuels at our refineries in Lysekil in sweden.

the judicial proceedings under way in the coming weeks. After receiving the opinion of the court it will be then, at the end of the government-that is to say ‘ yes ‘ or ‘ no ‘ to Our plans.

READ MORE: : 10, worst utsläppsbovarna in Sweden.

READ MORE: , the Bills can stop the Preem-the construction of the READ MORE: , Preem, may be the main emitter

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