Rekordsegern in the On the trail – news about the duo’s future

After several weeks, the contestants will meet two of the winners at the end of ”On the trail”. A good way into the race, it is all the time between the two teams, but towards the end of the pull Parisa Amiri, and Gunnar Wetterberg in the road and a win over Tommy Johansson Johar Bendjelloul.

Wetterberg, and Amiri win-win, not only for the second year in a row, they also record the highest finalpoäng in the ”On-track”. Their opponents, collecting 40 points, which is usually enough to win. However, vinnarduon’s 48 points – the highest number in the contest of all-time.

Amiri about the prospect of ”On the trail” ( Parisa Amiri says that the duo, despite the fact that they won when they debuted the year before, don’t expect it to be as good as it was.

” Now let’s go out there and try to do it with a smile. However, we did absolutely nothing, said Amiri of the final game.

Amiri and Wetterbergs the success of the program is to think Amiri could be that they are complementary to each other, and filling in from each end, but they also have a lot of fun together.

” Since that time, I also love that Gunnar and supports me so very much. Thus, to find the one that’s most comfortable to move forward with a younger woman in that way, ” says Amiri.

the News about the future of

now, having been a winner in the ”On the trail” two years in a row, as well as to be scooped up finalpoäng, ” says Parisa Amiri, that the duo is not likely to be seen in the program for quite a while.

“I think,” I say, now, that it is difficult to see that we are doing this quite so soon.

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