Removing the ränteavdraget, and the height of women’s poor pension

the old woman in the should not have to be married in order to get the economy. They’re not going to have to sell their property or apply for assistance from aid agencies for a long, healthy life. The Swedish women are going to have a good old age. The Sweden area.

Pensionsgruppen decided this week to introduce the pension credit to a maximum of 600 dollars for the pensioners who have worked all their lives but still receive a low pension. It is a good thing, but it’s not enough.

this, Therefore, requires the Reformers substantially the height of pensions for the very poorest pensioners – two thirds of which are women. We would like to raise the lowest pensions by 5 000 per month. A pensionslyft funded by a avtrappat interest deductions, and the removed surplus targets.

some 70 per cent of men’s level of of when the swedes, in 1913, for the first time, the public pension, in lieu of poor relief were women, a lower pension than that of their male counterparts. Then it is justified that they have lived longer. So it would be unfair to give them just as much. When the national pension was introduced in 1946, after criticism, to remove the distinction, but put in place a inkomstgrundat addition, women still received less of a pension. With the current pension scheme, women receive less than 70 per cent of men’s pensions.

It is possible to do in a day. Any system needs to be changed. Are our politicians ready to take their share of the responsibility?

Despite the fact that the expressed desire for a long time has been considered as equal to pensions, it is not as it seems. In a pension system based on lifetime earnings are women. Women are more often in the lönediskriminerade professions, and educating themselves further, but still get paid less, work more often part-time, taking on more responsibility for the children and for the unpaid work in the home. As women age, they may have to pay for it a second time.

200 000 women fattigpensionärer

on The day of the count, nearly 200,000 women in our country, fattigpensionärer. This means that they have a 12 800 dollars or less a month, before taxes.

rather than continuing to be a world leader in gender equality, our country has been the best in the OECD to increase the klassklyftorna and the gap between women’s and men’s pensions is a bit higher than the average in the EUROPEAN union. The difference is larger than in the other nordic countries and the baltic countries, Poland and Hungary. And when the insurance companies and think tanks to make estimates as to how long it will take before the pensions are equal, they suggest anywhere between 50 and 150 years old.

< Reformisternas suggestions

need to go any faster than that. Life is in the here and now. We would like to carry out a wide pensionslyft, which will be the greatest for those who currently have the least.

• those with The lowest pensions will receive 5 000 sek per month before tax. The level of pensionslyftet stepped out of them, which to this day has a state pension of more than 10 000 sek per month, up to a state pension of at least 15 000 per month.

The roughly 40-billion-per-year pensionslyftet costs to be financed by a avtrappat interest deductions, and the removed surplus targets, there is a reasonable redistribution of them is a very good possibility to affect their personal finances, to those who often do not have this ability, namely the and the.

• the Underlying capital will serve as the basis for pension rights for daily allowances and unemployment benefits. This makes the impact of the pensions for sickness and unemployment will be lower than the existing rules.
the Thinking of the politicians to act?

in our proposal, approximately one million female pensioners, with a higher disposable income. It could make all the difference to someone who, today, have to forgo visits to the dentist, say “no thanks” to a lördagslunch, or look for beer cans to get the last of the week to make ends meet.

It is possible to do in a day. Any system needs to be changed. The only thing that has changed is the political will. Sweden’s pensioners would have it by now. Are our politicians ready to take their share of the responsibility?

READ MORE: to Stop the Pensionsmyndighetens miljardslöseri – put your money on the fattigpensionärer READ MORE: in 40 years of work and a miserable pension, is that fair?

READ MORE: , the secrecy surrounding pensions need to stop. READ MORE: Dental care should be a part of the high-cost protection

the Vice-president of the Reformers.

the Treasurer of the Reformers.

as a member of the Board Reformers.

as a member of the Board Reformers.

as a member of the Board Reformers.

A member of the board Reformers.

Terence Russell, 84, pantar cans, in order to be able to buy food

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