RIGHT NOW, the hospital cuts down on the health care

The most recent figures on the number of confirmed cases in the Western Region, is on Thursday, then the grand total in the middle of the day was 116 people.

NOW, the sector reported a total of 20 cases, while at the Sahlgrenska university Hospital had 74 cases. The hospital had eight confirmed cases, while the figure for the Southern Älvsborg hospital was 14.

the Pressure on the health care sector has increased substantially, and in the hospitals in the region, and supporting administrations and is now a series of steps in order to high-quality health care should be ensured, according to a news release from the Western Region.

at the Sahlgrenska university hospital in Gothenburg, sweden.Photo by: by DANIEL STILLER/BILDBYRÅN: ”to Continue with the emergency and essential health care”
the hospital will notify of the planned care is now declining in the hospital. The decision was made on Friday.

” on the Basis of the expertise of a smittskyddsperspektiv should the levels of activity in the hospital’s operations will be reduced to only the essential. However, we continue to make urgent and vitally necessary treatment that is usual, ” says Per-Olof Hansson, chefläkare in the hospital, in a news release.

At that, the press release, we can write:

”the Hospital needs to maintain a state of readiness in order to be able to accommodate a larger number of patients and the release, therefore, capacity and human resources. Also, it is of the utmost importance to reduce the number of people in the hospital, in order to reduce the spread of infection and protect patients.”

Those patients who are affected will be notified.

” We’re beginning to take down parts of the proposed health care that we have for medical reasons is estimated to have to wait. This frees up resources that can be applied to other high-priority purposes, ” says Per-Olof Hansson in a press release.

the Press conference will be held
on Friday, starting at 13: 00, will be held at the same time, a press conference, in Gothenburg, sweden, by reason of the coronaspridningen. There will be a Peter Ullerud, county medical officer, to, among other things, to talk about how to smittskyddsarbetet is now entering a new phase where the focus is on the protection of vulnerable groups at risk of becoming infected.

Ann Soderstrom, health services director, tells us about the process of securing the care, staffing, and materials for the healthcare industry.
TV: Ciara hit the coronaKjell of coronasmittan: Started with the usual flu-like symptoms”

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