RIGHT NOW, the Woman to the hospital in a helicopter

This is the content of many of the roads in western Sweden on Friday morning.

” We’re in an accident in Sollebrunn, in which a car is driven off the road, and is located on the side of the trench. It is unclear as to personal injury cases, ” says Thomas Fuxborg, presstalesperson by the police department in the Western region.

On a county road 2681 from outside the Swedish car is also driven off of the road.

” It is the very content of the site. The driver is still seated in the car, with pain in the back, ” says Fuxborg.

outside the city of Borås and Lidköping, sweden, there have been a halkrelaterade an accident.

” Outside the town of Borås is a car that has a voltat the car is waking up, and the subjects possible to talk about, but are left in the car, the doors will not open.

Later, slid a truck off the road on highway 40, and ended up in the field.

< Skadeläget not clear
Outside of the city and have a driver running off the road and into a tree.

“There is a lot of content there too, the driver said to be caught,” said Fuxborg shortly after the accident.

The female driver was then taken to the hospital in the ambulanshelikopter.

Skadeläget for all of the casualties is not clear.

The gothenburg-based vägklimatföretaget Klimator to warn of slippery road conditions at several places in western Sweden on Friday morning and this morning.

It’s all about, inter alia, the municipalities of Trollhättan, Borås, Viskadalen, Kungälv, sweden, Dalsland, Falkirk, Somerset, and the northern part of Bohuslän.

In sweden, has Swedish meteorological and hydrological institute for a class 1 warning for the sudden onset of ishalka.

Here you can see a map of the vägläget on where you live.

This is the Klimator

the Klimator is a gothenburg based company, which was founded by two of the researchers in the vägklimatologi more than 20 years ago.

today, Klimator of the high-end models, and artificial intelligence in order to develop a reliable vägväderinformation, to be delivered to, among others, to global vehicle manufacturers, government transport authorities and vinterentreprenörer in order to make the roads safer and more efficient, more effective, and therefore reduce accidents.

Väglagsprognoserna from the Klimator is a fair estimate of the future conditions, which includes data from a variety of sources. The reader should be aware that the vägunderlaget of a sudden change, and careful driving is advised, always, to advice on the use of winter tyres, and keep the relevant distances.

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