Sanctions against China: Where is the strategy?

It would be nice if the sanctions adopted by Donald Trump against China, it would really have been of concern for the freedom of Hong Kong people-driven. But for the real estate businessman from New York that is inhabited at the moment, the White house, issues such as human rights in the doubt of secondary importance. A coherent strategy from the very punitive measures are not justified – yet.

Still, it is good to see that China is at least from the English-speaking countries (besides the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia) with more than just verbal criticism countered. The UK is even willing to take a significant economic disadvantages in purchase to Huawei from the Development of the 5G mobile and wireless communications network, to exclude.

on the Other hand, is that China is too large to decouple from the Rest of the world. However, it would be necessary for a reasonable dialogue with the people’s Republic of a between Europeans, Americans, Australians, Japanese, and Indians in a reasonably coordinated strategy.

Not for nothing that China negotiated in the course of its expansion, interventionist policy in the South China sea only with each state individually. But even a fine-tuned strategy offers no guarantee of success. In Hong Kong, China’s leadership has shown to be just impressive how little your celebration mean completed international contracts.

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