Says on the tongue of the time, My heart is broken

”My heart is broken,” said Dennis Bryant, from the stage.Photo by: Jennifer Brunlöf Windell , Dennis and Bryant.Photo by: Jennifer Brunlöf Windell , Dennis and Bryant are playing on the Friday night at the Scandinavium arena.Photo by: JENNIFER BRUNLÖF WINDELL / GT/EXPRESSEN Previous Next Exit fullscreen mode

Miriam, Bryant says in the Scandinavium arena, it is of an ”at last”. Arenakänslan go on and on, and is enhanced by the strap behind her back.

Three of the songs in the joy of the scene, hard not to notice. The pleasure from the audience as well.

” at the Scandinavium arena, I’ve been longing to see you. It’s great to be here, finally. Finally!!! The number of times I’ve gone past this stage of the tram line, and hardly dared to dream of, to be able to stand on this stage one day, but at night, we are here together. Thank you so much for all of you to come here, now we get to the roof to raise!
Miriam, Bryant, in would like to the stage.Photo by: Jennifer Brunlof / Hannah Brunlof , Photo by Anna Brunlof / Hannah Brunlof Previous Next Exit fullscreen mode
It is obvious that she is at home, the fact that the heart is being poured out, and the emotions of sitting on it. She is happy to be here.

in Gothenburg, sweden, is happy that she is here. ‘Allsången’ to ”You”, is ungracious, and in less than half-way through the evening, the energy in the Scandinavium arena to support the whole of the island of Hisingen, göteborg.

in Short, The current crowd is not going down.
”My heart is broken”
When she’s in front of their cover of Martha wainwright’s ”Bloody fucking hezbollah fringe group, asshole”, she is private to a new level.

” I didn’t feel as good in the fall. My heart was broken and I wasn’t in a good place in my life. I don’t even think about the music, anyway, I went to Nashville for a week. I krökade quite a lot and drank bloody mary’s for breakfast. However, I have realized that there is a very good country music as well, including this one, as I was an extra for it. This one is for my ex.

READ MORE: , the Excited fans before the storspelningen READ MORE: , the Sister of Miriam Bryant’s many times

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