Scandal of the Carabinieri: they wanted to be like the Mafia bosses from Gomorrah

Every year on the 5. June Italy celebrates the “day of the Carabinieri”. With all sorts of events, the country of the establishment of the military unit of the “snap carrier” of 1814 commemorates, with equal step, and the saber swing, with Tschingderassabum and long applause. In the case of the Carabinieri-Celebration for the Northern Italian Region of Emilia-Romagna in 2018 in the city of Bologna, the unit was honoured in particular: from Piacenza to the Adriatic sea. For their “extraordinary operational and institutional use, as well as the successes in the fight against drug trafficking”. The unit “Levante” had made many arrests of dealers of talk.

Matthias Rüb

Political correspondent for Italy, the Vatican, Albania and Malta, based in Rome.

F. A. Z.

Meanwhile, the Carabinieri unit in the whole of Italy is well-known. But not because of their successes in the fight against drugs but as a drug clan in Uniform. Seven Carabinieri of the unit sitting since Wednesday in custody or under house arrest, among them, the highest-ranking officer. Against a total of 23 members of the unit will be determined because of formation of a criminal Association, extortion and torture, convicted of drug trafficking on a large scale and also due to the exuberant celebrations in the barracks, in the presence of Escort ladies.

The barracks “Levante” has been closed and seized, an unprecedented operation. A former Carabiniere of the unit, which had been made by a Moroccan drug dealer to the operations carefully, with the display of the investigations in motion. These were largely driven by the “Guardia di Finanza”, the Italian financial police; the economic and Treasury.

“I don’t want these people ,Carabinieri’ call”

The bill of indictment to the competent Prosecutor Grazia Pradella includes a good 300 pages. At the presentation of the results of the investigation, which lasted for half a year and more than 75,000 concealed individual operations involved, the Prosecutor of your indignation free rein. “I don’t want these people ,Carabinieri’ call,” said Pradella and underscore at the same time that their confidence in the unit is unbroken. However, the policy and particularly to the competent ministries of widespread Narrative that there is in each box of a few “rotten Apples”, but otherwise, the Carabinieri everything in the best and honorable order, in light of the scandal of Piacenza increasingly in doubts.

Formally, the Carabinieri belonging to the armed forces, they are called “soldiers” and their branches are called “barracks”. In police work, you follow the instructions of the Minister of the interior. They are primarily in the fight against crime in the domestic in use, as the police enforce law and order.

The ruthless and shameless, with the help of the soldiers and non-commissioned officers of the barracks “Levante” pursued since at least the beginning of 2017 to their criminal activities, but suggests the presumption, that they believed themselves of a dubious corps spirit protected. Therefore, the investigators will have to investigate in a second step, the question of what is suspected the individual links in the chain of command, what of the machinations in Piacenza, without, in turn, initiate an investigation. And you will need to ask the question, how the at this time already deep into the drug business, entangled unit could be mentioned in the “day of the Carabinieri” in 2018, of Bologna, for their services in the fight against drugs even more praise.

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