School in Corona times: world foreign teacher

the fear of The teacher in front of a Corona-infection in the school is understandable and virologically not unfounded. In the text messages of the teacher associations, but only the health concerns play a role, and concern for the students and their education does not seem to be biographies once, worth mentioning, is a corridor of damage.

It is a blow for all the teachers, even in the time of the school closures have been under far more risky conditions, everything is done to support your students, volunteered for the emergency care and not so contented, to send the work sheets, which were then controlled once more.

Largest possible image damage

There are those teachers that do still your work, not complain and even then not to the risk group if you have exceeded the sixty. And it is a sign of detachment from the world, if the country associations such as the teachers are the Only ones that would need to be longer with many people in closed spaces together. For one, no one is stopping you in the summer months on the Air, and on the other there is also, finally, the factory halls, in which a lot more people are together, or large offices.

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