Sex in the forest, will get a shot in Sweden

the County administrative board of Västra Götaland, sweden has decided, on its own initiative, to a total of six lynx may be hunted in the three areas of the county, says in a news release.

In the areas that are now allocated to the hunting of the lodjursfamiljer, and the search should also be carried out in the areas where there have been problems with attacks on sheep, said the county government.

the Hunt starts on Sunday, and may not exceed a duration of one month, until the 31st of march.

the County administrative board in Västra Götaland has been a shared pursuit of the three areas.

In the hunting area, 1 must be at most two in the forest to be postponed. The area is comprised of the town of Karlsborg, Töreboda, London, Windsor, Park., Livingston and Falkirk.

a Total of six lynx may be shot
In the hunting area of 2, an animal is shot, which is composed of the municipalities of Åmål, Bengtsfors and Mellerud.

In the hunting area of 3 up to a maximum of three animals to be shot, in the municipalities of the Mark, Svenljunga, Tranemo, the city of Borås and Ulricehamn.

in Order to participate in the hunt must be registered with the environmental protection agency, and at least once an hour, you have to make a call to The voice mail to find out how many animals are killed. Have you shot an animal, it shall be reported immediately in order that it is not going to be pushed more and more to animals than what is assigned.

During the inventory, as was done in the last year, it was revealed that there are more than 13.5 lodjursfamiljer in Västra Götaland county, sweden.

”On the basis of the snöbrist, it has been difficult to find the lodjursföryngringar in the inventeringsperioden in 2019/2020,” writes the provincial government in a news release.

READ MORE: the Move: 63, the wolves should be shot in Värmland, sweden

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