She can knock over the giant, and Facebook

MejlaJonna Forex+ FÖLJÅSIKTGreta able to topple the giant FacebookDags of president barack obama. Some leader board. is the independence of the director.Photo credit: PETER WIXTRÖMGreta Thunberg, accusing the South in order to allow the lies and the threats.The LEADERS of the the World’s currently most powerful american läxar unafraid of the world’s leaders, and has been with Donald Trump as last year. Now klimataktivisten Greta Thunberg, also turned to one of the world’s greatest companies: Facebook.

< a href=”_2ZkCB”> on Thursday, she wrote a post on just Facebook in which she accuses the company’s ceo, Mark Zuckerberg, in order to allow herself to be subjected to the death threats and the lies. & nbsp;
“The constant lies and conspiracy theories that are spread about me and the countless others, of course, to the hate, the death threats and ultimately to violence. This can easily be stopped, if Facebook wants to”, says She, and says that the lack of responsibility is very disturbing.
The great trust ( Facebook has over a billion users, and is seated all the data about each and every one of us who uses social media. The information passed to the enterprise, and then get back to us in the form of advertisements. However, in the last few years has been the trust of Facebook has taken a big injury crisis after crisis, that is, that the data has been used in order to have an impact on various countries of choice. Criticism has also focused on The algorithms that govern the flow of information, to be triggered by the substances that make us emotionally involved, and polarized.

To launch the currency, the Libra In many parts of north America and Europe, and has increased regulation and increased scrutiny. Last week, a hearing was held by the Mark Zuckerberg of the u.s. congress of The plans to launch its own kryptovaluta, Libra.

< a href=”_2ZkCB”>, Where he was also asked about The reliability of, and the dissemination of any incitement to hatred and political propaganda of, amongst others, the klimatengagerade for the city of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. On a direct question about whether she would be able to buy a false Facebook ad, in which the republicans have claimed to support her proposal for a Green New Deal was Zuckerberg did not answer a straight ‘ yes ‘ or ‘no’. & nbsp;
Facebook will not simply be a more transparent and accountable, until they are compelled to do so.

on Facebook, the next target for the folkilskan Greta Thunberg believes in activism, and if enough people rise up together, do not have the power to sit quietly. All over the world, we have over the years have seen people fill the streets to protest against climate change, corruption, self-empowerment, freedom, equality, and democracy. The people’s rage will burn. The threat to democracy could very well make the internetjätten the next big target.


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