She wants to get women back to work – but they need to be killed

Early on the Friday morning there, opened the country’s polling stations in 31 provinces. 58 million of iranians are eligible to vote, and some of them are going to vote in today’s election. As senior lecturer, and in the past presidentrådgivaren Elham Aminzadeh, it belongs to the conservative camp, which is counting on to win elections and large. However, she is nervous and give himself a chance on the 50/50.

” I am running because I am a lawyer and want to be aware of the existing laws, regulations, and how it is practiced in this country. The laws that are important to monitor are the laws of business, the women, and the unemployment rate-to do, ” said Elham Aminzadeh, who in the past worked as an adviser to president Hassan Rouhani.
Elham Aminzadeh previously worked as an adviser to president Hassan Rouhani.Photo by: ARASH KHAMOOSHI / POLARIS POLARIS IMAGES the FACTS: the Election in Iran,
• the Selection is done in the 31 provinces.

– • 58 million people are eligible to vote.

• the Reformers, is a paraplyallians of the groups. Most people are under the name of ”the Council for the co-ordination of the reformfronten.”

The conservative party is the political groups who are the revolutionary guards and the supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, a close.

in Total, there are 290 members of the european parliament and of the Reformists are currently the majority.

to View merVisa mindreTillhör the conservative bloc
Elham Aminzadeh has been set out in the parliamentary elections three times in the past. She has won once, and now she hopes to be elected again.

The two camps – conservative and progressive – to fight for a majority in the house. She is a member of the conservative bloc, which is more, the intervention of the state, and which is well known to be opposed to the kärnenergiavtalet, which was signed by the united states, Russia, Britain, China, France and Germany in 2015. The united states withdrew from the agreement in 2018.

Now, it is the economy, which is at the top of candidates ‘ agendas. The U.S. tightened sanctions against Iran is hit hard by the economy. The rate of inflation is set at no more than 35 per cent. Women are the most vulnerable of the vulnerable.

” We have a lot of women who are unemployed – who are most affected are unmarried or divorced. We need to create a trygghetsplattform to protect them, ” says Elham Aminzadeh.

“when I got elected the last time, I was working for a law protecting a woman’s inheritance when her husband dies,” says Elham.

Women must be, if it is in the contract,
the Qur’an is the foundation of all the laws in Iran, as in other countries where islam is the state religion. Issues such as the hijab, divorce, inheritance, and sharia law stirs debate.” Elham Aminzadeh pointed out that women now have the opportunity to make demands before she will marry.

” When it comes to matters relating to a divorce, the couple, when they agree to have their terms and conditions of the förlovningsavtalet. If they are in agreement with the fact that she can take a divorce as she wants it, she can do it. However, it should be in the contract, ” she said.

Women in Iran face the same problems as in other countries, says Elham Aminzadeh. They do have a problem with that, to achieve high-level positions like the president, or the premiärministerosten.

“But the education, training, employment, and equal pay, we’re good at,” she says.
the women take a selfie at the time that they cast their votes in the election in the morning.Photo by: EBRAHIM NOROOZI / AP, TT NEWS agency , Women have to wear hijab

a number of activist groups including the women in Iran are opposed to the hijabtvång. Elham Aminzadeh believes that women are able to choose from a variety hijabmodeller and colors, but they have to respect the rule of law, she.

” We have a law that states that women must wear the hijab. It’s just like the other laws on other issues as well. Laws are made to be respected. Across the country, all of the women to the free will of the type of hijab they want to do.

” no, No, they don’t do that.
”An important election for the conservative party”the Swedish newspaper Expressen Kassem Hamadé, on the site of a polling station in Tehran.

READ MORE: , KASSEM HAMADÉ: Iran goes to the polls, but everyone is talking about something completely different

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