So, preparing the united states for a large coronakris

In the parking lot outside a grocery store in the city of Tuscon, Arizona, attracts customers with carts filled with meat, water, and a hand disinfectant.

Rosemarie, Augustine, 84, is about to unload his car, while she talks about what she is doing in order to protect themselves.

“I’ll stay at home as much as possible, and to shop for food in the morning when there are fewer and fewer people,” she says.

She was worried the authorities and the shops will be shut down, and will, therefore, help a friend to do some errands.

“We want to get it all ready before it all closes,” she said.

the Coverage of the coronavirus in the united states has been very much on how it is spread and how to protect themselves from becoming infected.

the Americans are preparing for the crisis,
But the americans are different on how big the threat really is. Some are preparing themselves thoroughly to buy the food, the sand, water, and stays away from home, while others take it less seriously.

the More that the Gp has been spoken to in Nevada, or Texas, which can be said to belong more to the Trumpsupportrarna, to play down the significance of the virus and the fact that there is a conspiracy theory. They don’t trust the media to report.

The social-media mocking of people who have taken precautions such as moving a face mask on public transportation.
”We have been nödproviant home away from home”

in the parking lot of Tucson is the Catalina Vasquez, 47, who has attained the age of at the store. She always has food and other necessities at home, ” she says.

” We’ve always had a nödproviant, canned food, batteries, radio, water. The simple things that you need to have in the event that you are not going to be able to go out for a few days, ” she says.

IN the united states, 28 people have died as a result of the coronavirus, which is now found in most states of the country.

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