So, Sweden will be affected by climate change

in the Agricultural and forestry sectors would be able to take advantage of the fact that it’s getting warmer in Sweden. A longer season may give a better crop yields, and betesmöjligheter – as well as the potential to grow new crops, and the export of food and timber, to countries that are more severely affected by climate change.

” at the same time, there are several uncertainties, such as drought, heavy rains, flooding, and invasive species are able to survive here, as the winters are becoming milder. It may on the contrary lead to a decrease in production, ” says Åsa Sjöström, who is the executive director of the National centre of excellence for climate change adaptation at the Swedish meteorological and hydrological institute.

At the present time, we import about half of their food, and that is what makes us vulnerable to climate change in other countries. This is also true for the Swedish industry, which is dependent on the components from the other parts of the world. And the lack of water in Africa affects us in Sweden, it is the kind of climate change is leading to increased migration (iom). by carole bayer sager, co-director, National centre of excellence for climate change, Swedish meteorological and hydrological institute.Photo by: THE , Ticks in almost all of Sweden.
additional rainfall can have a positive impact on hydroelectric power, but extreme weather events have a negative impact on the infrastructure such as overhead power lines, and may lead to the flooding of both the ‘normal’ development as a heritage site. In addition, there is an increased risk of the spread of new diseases.

“Ticks” is available, for example, is now almost in the whole of Sweden, and the pollen season was started in January. We are counting on a rise in temperature globally of 1.5 degrees, does not mean that it is the effect of all of the places in Sweden. The further north you go, the greater will be the rise in temperature, ” says carole bayer sager.

She continues:
But that’s not the case that the authorities stand by in the face of it that’s going on. What is being done and planned a lot and we have a plan of action.
impact on society of climate change are:

, a Longer growing and grazing season, with the opportunity to increase production, as climatic conditions shift.

, the Risk of flooding, heat wave, drought, water scarcity, and new invasive species.

, the Ability to export more, but also more vulnerable when we are dependent on food from other countries that are being affected by climate change.

, they can go there for part of the year, with the opportunity to become self-sufficient in animal feed. The Risk of new outbreaks of animal diseases.


, Comes to the unexpected events, but if there is a flood every year, it is not to be considered as a contingency measure. Even now, there are insurance companies that do not want to make sure the new-build market in the areas in which the provincial government thinks that it is inappropriate for the building.

Some of the sites may be difficult if not impossible to insure.


air Pollution to get worse.

Longer the pollensäsong, the more mold and mildew.

, Diseases, bites (ticks, mosquitoes, flies, fleas, etc.).

the Heat waves that cause deaths.

forest management

, the Higher the risk of forest fires, insect pests, and storm damage (with less frost in the ground, unfolds the winter storms and more trees). Wetter the chips are making it more difficult for the machines to pass through.

Increased rate of growth when the season is extended and the climate will be milder.


, the International tourism can be enhanced if the environment is perceived as more attractive.

Challenges of mountain tourism as ski resorts do not get as much snow as värmeökningen will be higher in the north of the country.


, as the Conflicts in the world is rising and when climate change pushes people on the run. Climate change also increases the fight for resources between the states and the interests of the community.

Greater, the potential for hydroelectric power generation, when there will be more rain than snow. Increased demand for cooling during heat waves, the more difficult the cooling of nuclear power. The need for space heating.

Outages during extreme weather.

WATER AND sanitation

, Changes in precipitation patterns. A shortage of water.

, salt water penetration, increased nödutsläpp of water, cross contamination, leaching.

Nednötning along the rivers and streams, lakes, and coastlines can be expected to increase.

cultural HERITAGE

, the Risk of flooding and mold/fungus.

, the Older buildings such as stone churches are at risk of so-referred to as frost (when the temperature hovers between -2 degrees to + 2 degrees celsius, instead of the smooth, cold, significance, cracks can occur).


the Sea is getting warmer, and this affects the habitat in a way that is beneficial to some species and disadvantageous to others. The new species may bring new infections, and to out-compete existing species in a fragile ecosystem.

, the acidification of oceans, affecting the food.


(heavy rain, rockfalls and landslides. An increased risk of väghalka in the north, where the temperature hovers around the nollgradersstreket.

coefficients of thermal expansion, can provide the so-called ” heat distortion of the rail that makes the train derail.


Weakened vinterbete, uncertain ice conditions and increased uncertainty.


, of The biological diversity and ecosystems under threat, and it affects the ability to achieve the Swedish environmental objectives.


Fjällevande, and sensitive species are at risk of dying out, as the tree line moves upwards. More and more ticks.

Source: carole bayer sager, co-director, National centre of excellence for climate change adaptation at the Swedish meteorological and hydrological institute. Åsa Persson, executive vice president and director of research for the SEI. Adaptation to climate change.see the.

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